Add the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 for Oracle Linux 7 repository to CentOS 7.x
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Add the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 for Oracle Linux 7 repository to CentOS 7.x


Article ID: 179320


Updated On: 06-03-2019


Endpoint Protection




To add the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 for Oracle Linux 7 repository to CentOS 7.x, with the goal of testing software against it:

  1. Deploy a CentOS 7.x virtual machine.
  2. Log in and run yum clean all, followed by yum -y update --skip-broken, to remove cached packages and headers and install the latest. Run yum -y yum-utils and package-cleanup --cleandupes to remove any duplicates, then reboot.
  3. Log in and install any prerequisites for the software to be installed. E.g. prior to installing Symantec Endpoint Protection for Linux (SEPfL), run yum -y install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686 unzip bzip2 gcc.
  4. Use wget to download and unpack the software to be tested.
  5. Add the UEK R4 for Oracle Linux 7 repo (the addition can be verified using yum repolist), then install the UEK kernel:
    cd /etc/yum.repos.d
    yum -y install wget
    yum-config-manager --disable ol7*
    yum-config-manager --enable ol7_UEKR4
    sed -i 's/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel/DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel=uek/' /etc/sysconfig/kernel
    rpm --import
    yum -y install kernel-uek kernel-uek-devel
  6. Parse the boot menu options, make the latest UEK R4 for Oracle Linux 7 the default, then reboot:
    awk -F\' '$1=="menuentry " {print i++ " : " $2}' /etc/grub2.cfg
    grub2-set-default 0 (use the corresponding number for the UEK kernel if not 0)
    shutdown -r now
  7. Login and verify the new kernel is installed by running uname -a, then install the software and verify whether or not it performs satisfactorily.