Using GhostCast to MultiCast with Ghost Solution Suite
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Using GhostCast to MultiCast with Ghost Solution Suite


Article ID: 179224


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Ghost Solution Suite


 How to use GhostCast to MultiCast with Ghost Solution Suite




In Ghost Soution Suite 3.x a Distribute Disk Image task can be configured to use GhostCast to distribute a disk image to multiple machines at the same time using MultiCast.


  • MultiCast functionality is dependent on the routers in the environment being capable of multicasting. If you are not sure if your router is capable of multicasting please contact the hardware vendor, Symantec Support does not have information about which routers support MultiCast. 
  • IGMP needs to be configured within the router to support multicasting. KB 151701
  • An Automation Environment needs to be configured to do any imaging in Ghost.

Here are the steps to use GhostCast to multi cast using a distribute disk image task in Ghost Solution Suite console:

  1. Create a Distribute Disk Image task, select an image file.
  2. Check the box "Data transfer mode".
  3. Type in a Session Name.
  4. Click Finish. You will be prompted to launch the GhostCast server. Click Yes.
    The GhostCast server will launch. 
  5. In the Ghost console Highlight all the clients that you want to distribute the image to, drag all the clients on to the Distribute Disk Image task.
    All selected clients should reboot to automation and join the GhostCast session. 
  6. When all the clients have joined go to the GhostCast session and click Send.