The article describes on how to use dynamic tokens within Phishing Readiness templates.
Phishing Readiness
Email security cloud
The Phishing Readiness Tokens are used to insert dynamic content into various templates. Tokens are identified in templates by curly braces such as {{TOKEN.EN_US}} or {{{TOKEN.EN_US}}}.
Tokens can be typed manually or inserted into any template by selecting from the Phishing Token drop-down menu in the template editor.
{{FIRST_NAME.EN_US}} - the first name of the target user
{{LAST_NAME.EN_US}} - the last name of the target user
{{TARGET_EMAIL.EN_US}} - the email address of the target user
{{COMPANY_NAME.EN_US}} - the name of your organization
{{{PHISHING_LINK.EN_US}}} - a dynamic link that will direct the target user to your Phishing Landing Page (only available in Email templates)
{{{TRAINING_LINK.EN_US}}} - a dynamic link that will direct the target user to your Training Page (only available in Notice Page templates)
{{TIME.EN_US}} - the current time (based on when the phishing email is sent)
{{DATE.EN_US}} - the current date (based on when the phishing email is sent)
{{YEAR.EN_US}} - the current year (based on when the phishing email is sent)
{{#}} - a random number from 0 to 9
{{##}} - a random number from 10 to 99
{{###}} - a random number from 100 to 999
On a data exposure assessment, target users will be directed to a phishing landing page. This page must contain a form to simulate capturing data from target users. The form does not actually capture or store any user input, however, it does require an HTML form to be present.
This form can be easily added to a template by using the {{FORM_START.EN_US}} and {{FORM_END.EN_US}} tokens. These tokens will dynamically insert the correct HTML code to simulate data capture.
{{FORM_START.EN_US}} - begin data capture form
{{FORM_END.EN_US}} - end data capture form