Steps to add a user to the Ghost Solution Suite database
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Steps to add a user to the Ghost Solution Suite database


Article ID: 179127


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


 How do I add a User to the Ghost Solution Suite Database?


GSS 3.x


Below is the process to add a user to the database for use with Ghost Solution Suite remote console configuration. Please see the Remote Console Setup guide if the remote console has not been setup and configured prior to following this document.

NOTE: Screenshots represented in this tutorial may or may not reflect actual windows seen during your individual setup process. Database location and user accounts may be different!

1. Download and Install the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio if not already installed.


2. Open SQL Management Studio and enter the GSS server connection information. 

3. Expand the tabs in the left hand pane to Security->Logins. Right click on Logins and select "New Login..."


4. Enter a login name, using the search feature will verify this credential is entered correctly. It is recommended to user an administrator account, either local or domain admin.

Make sure to change the default database to the GSS database name.


5. Right click on the new created user > Properties. Then navigate to the Server Roles tab on the left hand pane and make sure public and sysadmin options are checked for server roles.


6. Navigate to the User Mapping tab and select the GSS database. Also make sure db_owner and public check-boxes are selected in the below role membership field.

7. Select "OK" at the bottom of the create user window and save the new user

Connections to the GSS database should now be possible for the user account that was configured in the above steps. Additional users may need to be added if numerous remote consoles are being set up.