Configuring Microsoft Office 365 with Email for inbound mail
To configure Office 365 to accept inbound email for your domain(s)
Note: To set up connectors, you need permissions assigned before you can begin.
Make sure you have completed the following in Office 365:
If you want Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) or Microsoft Exchange Online to relay email from your email servers to the Internet, do one of the following:
Note: If any connectors already exist for your organization, you can see them listed here.
Before you set up a new connector, check any connectors that are already listed here for your organization. For example, if you ran the Exchange Hybrid Configuration wizard, connectors that deliver mail between Office 365 and Exchange Server will be set up already and listed here. You don’t need to set them up again, but you can edit them here if you need to. If you don’t plan to use the hybrid configuration wizard, or if you’re running Exchange Server 2007 or earlier, or if you’re running a non-Microsoft SMTP mail server, set up connectors using the wizard.
To start the wizard, click the plus symbol +. On the first screen, choose the options that are depicted in the following screenshot:
Click Next, and follow the instructions in the wizard. Click the Help or Learn More links if you need more information. The wizard will guide you through the setup. At the end, make sure your connector validates. If the connector does not validate, double-click the message displayed to get more information.
To redirect email flow to Office 365, change the mail exchange (MX) record for your domain to point to the MX records provided when your domain was first provisioned with
If this is a new domain you have just provisioned with, only change the MX records when prompted to do so.
To accept emails from Symantec IP address ranges only, please follow the steps in this article " Lock down Microsoft Office 365 to IP address ranges "