Configure Google Apps for inbound mail for Email Security.Cloud
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Configure Google Apps for inbound mail for Email Security.Cloud


Article ID: 179099


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Email Email




If you are using Google Apps with the Symantec Email Security.Cloud service you will need to configure your Google Apps to accept inbound mail from the Symantec infrastructure and also set the Email Security.Cloud service to route mail to Google Apps.

Firstly you will need to configure Google Apps for inbound mail. To do this do the following:

  1. Log into the Google Apps Email Administrator console.
  2. Select Settings > Email > General Settings
  3. Under Inbound Gateway add in the Email Security.Cloud IP ranges as a comma-separated list.
  4. Select only let users receive email from the email gateways listed above.

You will then need to configure the Email Security.Cloud service to route your inbound mail to Google Apps. To do this do the following:

  1. Log into
  2. Navigate to Services > Email Services > Inbound Routes
  3. Click on Add and Check New
  4. Enter the IP address or hostname for where the Email Security.Cloud service should deliver the mail to.
  5. Enter an administrator email address (It is important you can receive mail on this address)
  6. Click Add. A technical check will then be performed to ensure that we are able to connect to the IP or hostname, that is is not blacklisted or an open relay. You will receive an email with the results.
  7. Once the technical check has passed the IP or hostname will be added in the lowest priority position. You can promote this as necessary.