Test if outbound mail is working correctly in Email Security.cloud
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Test if outbound mail is working correctly in Email Security.cloud


Article ID: 179087


Updated On:


Email Security.cloud


 This document describes the ways to test if outbound mail is working correctly in Email Security.cloud


Email Security.cloud


Instructions on testing the outbound email flow.


Outbound Emails are directed to the Email Security.cloud infrastructure via Registered IP addresses or public hosted cloud services. 

The service currently supports Google Apps Email and Microsoft® Office 365™.

If you want to test if your outbound Email is working as desired you can take the following measures: 

  • Ensure that the IP addresses you intend to send from is/are provisioned on the Email Security.cloud platform. If you are using a public hosted cloud service, make sure the service is selected in the portal under the Hosted Email Services Section. You can find the above configuration settings under Dashboard > Services > Email Services > Outbound Routes.

  • Ensure that you are using the correct smarthost to direct your local email traffic to the Email Security.cloud service. The hostname should be in the format clusterxout.xx.messagelabs.com. Please note that x denotes the cluster number you are provisioned on and xx denotes the region. You can find this information in your welcome email. Alternatively, you can contact support for assistance in obtaining this information. 
  • You can conduct a telnet test to determine if connections are being relayed from your server to the Symantec.cloud infrastructure. 
  • You can also use the Track and Trace tool in the portal to see if emails are being rejected by your intended recipient. Email Track and Trace can be accessed by navigating to:  Dashboard > Tools > Email Track and Trace

See Outbound email failures in Email Security.cloud

See Testing email manually using Telnet in Email Security.cloud

See Viewing email delivery details in Email Track and Trace