Upgrading Encrypted Computers to the Windows 10 Creators Update from Earlier Versions of Windows with Encryption Desktop 10.4.1 MP1 and later
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Upgrading Encrypted Computers to the Windows 10 Creators Update from Earlier Versions of Windows with Encryption Desktop 10.4.1 MP1 and later


Article ID: 179018


Updated On:


Drive Encryption




You can use the Symantec provided upgrade scripts to upgrade your 32-bit and 64-bit client computers to the Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update without decrypting and re-encrypting your drives. The scripts support upgrades from the following Microsoft Windows operating systems:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10 (any version; see Note below)

The scripts upgrade Windows to the Windows 10 Creators Update. The Creators Update is a full OS upgrade and not a patch release, so an in-place OS upgrade is performed.

Note: Symantec Encryption Desktop currently does not support the Fall Creators Update (version 1709).

This document includes command line scripts within compressed archives.

This article includes a limited number of upgrade scenarios. Administrators can customize the documented procedures to meet their organization's requirements. Symantec recommends testing the script prior to deployment to ensure that the script meets the needs of your business environment, including any installed third-party applications. Testing the script also confirms that all of your customizations and configuration changes work as expected.

About the scripts

The upgrade scripts are available for download in the following compressed archives:

Script Description

Contains the scripts for upgrading from Windows 7 to the Windows 10 Creators Update.

Note: Use only on systems that have Symantec Encryption Desktop 10.4.1 MP1 or later installed.


Contains the scripts for upgrading from Windows 8, 8.1, or an earlier version of Windows 10 to the Creators Update.

Note: Use only on systems that have Symantec Encryption Desktop 10.4.0 MP1 or later installed.


System requirements for using the upgrade scripts

  • 32-bit or 64-bit version of one of the following platforms:
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 8.1
    • Windows 10 November 2015 update
    • Windows 10 Anniversary Update
  • Symantec Encryption Desktop 10.4.1 MP1 or later
  • The Microsoft Windows Installation Media
    Note: You must have administrator and write access to run the upgrade.
  • Sufficient available disk space to upgrade to the Windows 10 Creators Update:
    • For 32-bit systems, ensure that at least 16 GB of disk space is available
    • For 64-bit systems, ensure that at least 20 GB of disk space is available

Before you begin

  1. Unmount all virtual media.
  2. Make sure that the system sleep timer is not set to less than one hour.

Warning: Make sure that you back up your system before you attempt this process.

Note: The computer must restart several times during the upgrade. You must authenticate each time that the computer restarts. However, you can bypass the authentication if you enable a pre-boot bypass. Symantec recommends that you configure at least three pre-boot bypasses so that the upgrade proceeds without requiring authentication after every restart. If you do not utilize all of the pre-boot bypasses, make sure to disable any unused bypasses when the upgrade is completed.
You must use the pgpwde --add-bypass command to allow multiple reboots without requiring pre-boot authentication during the upgrade.

Running an upgrade with the upgrade script

To run the upgrade script:

  1. Make sure that you have write access to the Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update Installation Media. If you use a CD/DVD or a USB flash drive, copy all of the contents to a local drive or external drive first.
    Note: Make sure that the destination folder name does not contain any spaces.
  2. Copy the compressed archive onto the client computer that you want to upgrade. To determine the correct file that you must use, refer to the table in the About the compressed archive files section of this article.
  3. Extract the compressed archive.
  4. Open an administrator command prompt and navigate to the folder in which you extracted the upgrade scripts.
  5. To initialize the upgrade, run the following command: 
    WinRS2-upgrade-SED1041.cmd [Folder path to the Setup.exe file in the Windows 10 Installation Media]\
    For example: WinRS2-upgrade-SED1041.cmd E:\InstallationMedia\
  6. If all operations are successful, the Windows 10 setup wizard is displayed. Complete the wizard to finish the upgrade.


Symantec provides an additional script that you can run after completing the upgrade to the Windows 10 Creators Update if you face any of the issue that are described below.

The post-upgrade script automatically applies a workaround for the following issues:

  • The hibernation feature in Windows no longer works on systems that were upgraded from Windows 7. Affected systems shut down completely instead of entering hibernation mode.
  • When users change their Windows password, they are unable to use the new password to authenticate at pre-boot.

To run the post-upgrade script:

  1. Open an administrator command prompt and navigate to the folder in which you extracted the upgrade scripts.
  2. Run the Post-WinRS2-upgrade-SED1041-register.bat file to apply the workaround.
  3. Restart the computer.

For information on upgrading Symantec Encryption Desktop client computers to Microsoft Windows 10 RS1 and RS3, see the Symantec Support Center article at https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.HOWTO128174.html.



SED_Win8_10_Upgrade_SED_10.4.1_MP1.zip get_app
SED_Win7_Upgrade_SED_10.4.1_MP1.zip get_app