In order to successfully set up Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers (SPSS) 6.0.6 and later to run in failover mode for high-availabity and disaster recovery, the SPSS configuration file “Symantec.Sharepoint.SPSSService.exe.config” located in “<Install Dir>:\Program Files\Symantec\SharePoint” must be changed.
To change the configuration file:
1. Stop the SPSS service.
2. Open the configuration file to edit its content.
3. Search for the key “SPSSConfigDB”
4. Edit the value for the above mentioned key and add a new connection string parameter to change the connection behaviour as shown below
<add key="SPSSConfigDB" value="Data Source=PTD9312;Initial Catalog=SPSSDB;Integrated Security=SSPI; MultiSubnetFailover=True" />
5. Save the configuration file.
6. Start the SPSS service.
Fore more information regarding the MultiSubnetFailover parameter, please see the following documentation from Microsoft:
SqlClient Support for High Availability, Disaster Recovery
Connection Timeouts in Multi-subnet Availability Group