Creating a list group in Email Data Protection
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Creating a list group in Email Data Protection


Article ID: 179007


Updated On: 09-08-2023




 The article describes on how to create a list group in Data Protection of Email


A list group contains multiple single lists of the same content type. For example, you might want to create a list group that combines the single lists of profanities for English, French and German into any of master list.

To create a list group
  1. Login to the portal by browsing to

  2. Select Services > Data Protection > Lists.

  3. Click New List Group.

  4. Type a name and a description for the list group.

  5. Complete the following:


    Do one of the following:


    • Choose a standard industry category, such as Educational or Healthcare.

    • Select None, if you do not want to match a category with the list group.

    Content Type

    Choose from the following types:


    • File types

    • MIME types

    • Keywords

    • Regular expressions

    • URLs


    When you choose a content type, the right-hand side of the window displays the lists that are available for that type.

  6. Select the lists to include in the new list group. You can also create an Exclude list to compare with the Include list. Any terms that are in both lists are excluded, when the list is used in a policy.

    See Including and excluding items in a list group in Email and Web Data Protection

  7. Click Save.