The Windows Superseded Bulletins report (Reports > All Reports > Software > Patch Management > Software Bulletins) can be used to view which bulletins are superseded and by which bulletins.
The report is not detailed enough to track individual updates within the bulletins, so the following instructions describe how to create and use a custom report that shows every individual update and which updates supersede it.
1. Create the Custom Report
SELECT update1.Name [Update], bull1.Name [Bulletin], update2.Name [Superseded By], bull2.Name [Superseding Bulletin] FROM vSoftwareUpdate update1 LEFT JOIN ResourceAssociation update2bull ON update2bull.ChildResourceGuid = update1.Guid AND update2bull.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '7EEAB03A-839C-458D-9AF2-55DB6B173293' --Bulletin to Update LEFT JOIN vRM_Software_Bulletin_Item bull1 ON bull1.Guid = update2bull.ParentResourceGuid LEFT JOIN ResourceAssociation super ON super.ChildResourceGuid = update1.Guid AND super.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '644A995E-211A-4D94-AA8A-788413B7BE5D'--Update Supersedes Update LEFT JOIN vSoftwareUpdate update2 ON update2.Guid = super.ParentResourceGuid LEFT JOIN ResourceAssociation update2bull2 ON update2bull2.ChildResourceGuid = update2.Guid AND update2bull2.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '7EEAB03A-839C-458D-9AF2-55DB6B173293' --Bulletin to Update LEFT JOIN vRM_Software_Bulletin_Item bull2 ON bull2.Guid = update2bull2.ParentResourceGuid ORDER BY bull1.Name DESC, update1.Name ASC
2. Use the Custom Report
Please note that Symantec Support does not support custom reports, so any further modifications must be made by the user.