Block potentially malicious files with a Data Protection policy
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Block potentially malicious files with a Data Protection policy


Article ID: 178860


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 How to create a data protection policy to block attachments that are potentially malicious.


Email Security.Cloud


Learn how to create a policy in Symantec Email Data Protection to restrict commonly exploited filetypes by extension.

Create a policy to block files

  1. In the portal, navigate to Services > Data Protection.
  2. Create a new Data Protection policy, and configure it as follows:
    • Name: Restricted file files.
    • Apply to: Inbound email only. Other options are available, which depend on the scope you desire.
    • Execute if: All rules are met.
    • Action: Redirect to Administrator. Other actions are available, which depend on the result you intend.
    • Administrator email: Configure a non-production administrator email address. This must be non-production address because Data Protection policy administrators are automatically whitelisted from all Data Protection policies to avoid mail loops.
    • Notifications: None.
  3. Add a new Rule, and configure it as follows:
    • Name: Restricted files.
    • Set it to: ANY conditions are met.
    • Add a new condition, Attachment Filename List.
    • Click Create a new filename List.
    • Name: Potential Malicious files.

      The following entries are typical files blocked by Outlook 2010, but you can add more or remove some of the extensions as per your needs:

      Access Project Extension (Microsoft) *.ade
      Access Project (Microsoft) *.adp
      Executable Application *.app
      Active Server Page *.asp
      BASIC Source Code *.bas
      Batch Processing *.bat
      Internet Security Certificate File *.cer
      Compiled HTML Help *.chm
      DOS CP/M Command File, Command File for Windows NT *.cmd
      Command *.com
      Windows Control Panel Extension (Microsoft) *.cpl
      Certificate File *.crt
      csh Script *.csh
      DER Encoded X509 Certificate File *.der
      Executable File *.exe
      FoxPro Compiled Source (Microsoft) *.fxp
      Windows Help File *.hlp
      Hypertext Application *.hta
      Information or Setup File *.inf
      IIS Internet Communications Settings (Microsoft) *.ins
      IIS Internet Service Provider Settings (Microsoft) *.isp
      Internet Document Set, International Translation *.its
      JavaScript Source Code *.js
      JScript Encoded Script File *.jse
      UNIX Shell Script *.ksh
      Windows Shortcut File *.lnk
      Access Module Shortcut (Microsoft) *.mad
      Access (Microsoft) *.maf
      Access Diagram Shortcut (Microsoft) *.mag
      Access Macro Shortcut (Microsoft) *.mam
      Access Query Shortcut (Microsoft) *.maq
      Access Report Shortcut (Microsoft) *.mar
      Access Stored Procedures (Microsoft) *.mas
      Access Table Shortcut (Microsoft) *.mat
      Media Attachment Unit *.mau
      Access View Shortcut (Microsoft) *.mav
      Access Data Access Page (Microsoft) *.maw
      Access Add-in (Microsoft), MDA Access 2 Workgroup (Microsoft) *.mda
      Access Application (Microsoft), MDB Access Database (Microsoft) *.mdb
      Access MDE Database File (Microsoft) *.mde
      Access Add-in Data (Microsoft) *.mdt
      Access Workgroup Information (Microsoft) *.mdw
      Access Wizard Template (Microsoft) *.mdz
      Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control File (Microsoft) *.msc
      Windows PowerShell *.msh
      Windows PowerShell *.msh1
      Windows PowerShell *.msh2
      Windows PowerShell *.mshxml
      Windows PowerShell *.msh1xml
      Windows PowerShell *.msh2xml
      Windows Installer File (Microsoft) *.msi
      Windows Installer Patch *.msp
      Windows SDK Setup Transform Script *.mst
      Office Profile Settings File *.ops
      Visual Test (Microsoft) *.pcd
      Windows Program Information File (Microsoft) *.pif
      Developer Studio Build Log *.plg
      Outlook Profile file *.prf
      Program File *.prg
      Windows PowerShell *.ps1
      Windows PowerShell *.ps1xml
      Windows PowerShell *.ps2
      Windows PowerShell *.ps2xml
      Windows PowerShell *.psc1
      Windows PowerShell *.psc2
      MS Exchange Address Book File, Outlook Personal Folder File (Microsoft) *.pst
      Registration Information/Key for W95/98, Registry Data File *.reg
      Windows Explorer Command *.scf
      Windows Screen Saver *.scr
      Windows Script Component, Foxpro Screen (Microsoft) *.sct
      Windows Shortcut into a Document *.shb
      Shell Scrap Object File *.shs
      Temporary File/Folder *.tmp
      Internet Location *.url
      VBScript File or Any VisualBasic Source *.vb
      VBScript Encoded Script File *.vbe
      VBScript Script File, Visual Basic for Applications Script *.vbs
      Visual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project (Microsoft) *.vsmacros
      Visio Workspace File (Microsoft) *.vsw
      Windows Script File *.ws
      Windows Script Component *.wsc
      Windows Script File *.wsf
      Windows Script Host Settings File *.wsh
      Exchange Public Folder Shortcut *.xnk
      Windows Help contents file *.cnt
      Windows Gadget *.gadget
      Windows program group file *.grp
      Help project file *.hpj
      JAVA archive file *.jar
      Manifest configuration file *.mcf
      Open software description file *.osd
      Perl script file *.pl
      Visual Basic project file *.vbp
      XAML browser application *.xbap
      ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File *.application
      ClickOnce Application Reference File *.appref-ms
      Active Server Page Extended *.aspx
      ASF Redirector File *.asx
      Borland Graphics Interface *.bgi
      Windows Cabinet File *.cab
      Microsoft Diagnostics Cabinet File *.diagcab
      HTML Component File *.htc
      Optical Disk Media File System *.iso
      Java Network Launching Protocol *.jnlp
      Windows Update File *.msu
      Printer backup File *.printerexport
      Windows PowerShell *.psd1
      Windows PowerShell *.psdm1
      Python Script *.py
      Python Script *.pyc
      Python Script *.pyo
      Python Script *.pyw
      Python Script *.pyz
      Python Script *.pyzw
      Desktop Theme File Settings *.theme
      Virtual Hard Disk *.vhd
      Virtual Hard Disk Extended *.vhdx
      Internet Printing File *.webpnp
      Pinned Site Shortcut from Internet Explorer *.website
      Excel Addin *.xll
    • Click Save.
    • Condition options:
      • Attachment filename: matches any of the filenames in the selected lists.

Note: This section is optional; you can implement this policy if you have a source which needs to send you these types of files. We will only add a Sender Domain list as an example, but you can add or use a Sender Group where you list email addresses instead. Data Protection happens after the antivirus scan. If files are detected as malicious, they'll be blocked by the Antivirus service.

  1. Add a new Rule, and configure it as follows:
    • Name: Valid file senders.
    • Set it to: ANY conditions are met.
    1. Add a new condition, Sender Domain List.
      • Click Create a new Domain List.
      • Name: Approved file senders.
      • In this list we’ll add source domains deemed valid for the file restrictions above.
      • Click Save.
      • Condition options:
        • Domain of the sender: is in none of the selected lists.

Additional information


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