Viewing the summary report of scanning done by Symantec Protection Engine 7.8 for a specific time duration
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Viewing the summary report of scanning done by Symantec Protection Engine 7.8 for a specific time duration


Article ID: 178839


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS




Symantec Protection Engine 7.8 does not have the user interface. You can view the summary report of scanning done by Symantec Protection Engine 7.8 for a specific time duration, using the log files (*.dat) available at the following location.

The default location and format for .dat files is as follows:

For Windows - C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine\log\SSEYYYYMMDD.dat.

For Linux - /opt/SYMCScan/log/SSEYYYYMMDD.dat

For example .dat file for 4th December 2016 is represented as SSE20161204.dat.

Symantec Protection Engine 7.8, updates the SSE20161204.dat file every minute and displays the scanning information for the last minute. This is a comma separated file and provides you information about the following attributes:


Log time in epoch.


Infections detected in the last minute.


Infections repaired in the last minute.

Files Quarantined

Files Quarantined in the last minute.

Mail Policy Violations

Mail Policy Violations detected in the last minute.

Container Policy Violations

Container Policy Violations detected in the last minute.

File Attribute Policy Violations

File Attribute Policy Violations detected in the last minute.

Malformed Containers

Malformed Containers Violations detected in the last minute

URL Blocks

Number of URLS blocked in the last minute.

URL Audits

URLS audited in the last minute, when URL filtering feature is set to Audit mode.

DDR Blocks

This is a deprecated attribute, Symantec Protection Engine always logs zero (0) in this field.

DDR Audits

This is a deprecated attribute, Symantec Protection Engine always logs zero (0) in this field.

Total Files Scanned

Total number of files scanned including the child container files in the last minute.

Files Scanned

Number of top level files scanned in the last minute.

URLs Scanned

Number of URLS scanned in the last minute.

Megabytes Scanned

Amount of data scanned in the last minute.


Amount of requests received in the last minute.

Connections to Symantec Protection Engine

Number of connections received by Symantec Protection Engine in the last minute.

Cumulative Scan Time (milliseconds)

Total time spent for scanning for all requests.

Scan Errors

Total number of scan errors encountered in the last minute.

Spyware Risks

This is a deprecated attribute, Symantec Protection Engine always logs zero (0) in this field.

Adware Risks

This is a deprecated attribute, Symantec Protection Engine always logs zero (0) in this field.

Other Risks

 This is a deprecated attribute, Symantec Protection Engine always logs zero (0) in this field.

Total Rejected Requests

Total number of requests rejected in the last minute.

Encrypted Containers

Total number of encrypted containers detected in the last minute.

High Risk Threats

Total number of High Risk Threats detected in the last minute.

Medium Risk Threats

Total number of medium Risk Threats detected in the last minute.

Low Risk Threats

Total number of low Risk Threats detected in the last minute.

Insight Virus

Total number of insight viruses detected in the last minute.

Insight Security Risks

Total number of Insight Security Risks detected in the last minute.

APK Reputation Violations

Total number of APK Reputation Violations detected in the last minute.