Set the Symantec Protection for SharePoint logs to verbose, click Save. (Central Administration > Symantec Protection 6.0 for SharePoint Servers > Log File settings)
Set the event and trace logs to verbose on all categories, click OK. (Central Administration>Monitoring>Configure diagnostic logging)
Start Debugview as Administrator.
Configure Debug view to capture logging:
Click "Capture" and confirm CAPTURE GLOBAL WIN32 is enabled
Click "Options" and confirm "Clock Time & Show Milliseconds" are enabled.
Reproduce the issue. Note relevant information such as date(s), time(s), filename(s), and error(s).
Collect the Symantec Protection for SharePoint log. (default location is C:\Program Files\Symantec\SharePoint\Logfiles)
Export the Windows Event Viewer Application and System logs as EVTX. (Logs should contain data from at minimum one hour prior to the issue reproduction.)
Zip collected logs together. (If collecting logs from more than one sever, prepend server name to zip file name.)
Upload the zip file to the case via the Broadcom Support portal or alternate location as instructed by support.
Once data collection is complete revert logging levels in steps 2 & 3 to previous values.