Applying 4Q LMPKEY for OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Applying 4Q LMPKEY for OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 17881


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


With release 12.1 of OM Web Viewer, the license key is a 4Q LMPKEY installed on the LPAR where the primary DRAS is running.



  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Common Components and Services for z/OS 15.0
  • View®


The keys are read in through the Common Services CAS9 proc found in your CAW0PROC library. The proc executes PGM=CAIRIM which reads in the LMP keys from the Common Services CAW0OPTN dataset which contains a member name of KEYS. The KEYS member contains the LMP codes for all BROADCOM products that require a key. 

Due to changes in our systems, the structure of our keys are changing. The keys are no longer CPU dependent. They are now site based. You are still governed by the terms of your paper contract and should see no impact to performance.

There are changes required in the CALMP control cards.

  1. When you receive your keys, the attachment contains YOUR SITEID control card that will be required to process CALMP execution keys, which use the SITEID processing option.
  2. The SITEID control card must be first non-commented record in the KEYS dd.
  3. The rest of the records in the KEYS dd may be any mixture of Product Execution keys and optionally one EKG control card.
  4. If more than one Product Execution Key for the same product is found and are valid then the one with the greatest expiration date is used.
  5. The company name must always be defined exactly how it was generated. It cannot be shortened or modified. Some company names are longer than others. In this instance, the company name can be moved to the next line (see example below), however the first line must contain a dash - in column 72.

    SITEID(12345678) SITECODE(QS0YSHKWERJQKMP0AFLRU) DASH (-) in column 72

Additional Information

Additional installation instructions can be found by navigating to the following URL: LMP and CAIRIM
The 4Q key is under code VIEBAU002 for View®