The maximum number of Agents that can be allowed to export, print or mail from Agents Summary Report is by default limited to 30k.
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The maximum number of Agents that can be allowed to export, print or mail from Agents Summary Report is by default limited to 30k.


Article ID: 178797


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


When trying to export the total number of agents that a DLP system has in DLP to a file from the Agent Summary Report in the Enforce console the default limit is set 30000.


This is a limit that is set in a configuration file. You can modify this file to get your agents exported but please be careful as this can impact performance and such if you are running with limited resources on the server.


Steps to be used on Enforce Server

  • Stop Symantec DLP Manager Service
  • Open <InstallDrive>:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\16.0.10000\Protect\config\
  • Change below setting
    # The maximum number of Agents than can be allowed to export, print or mail from Agents Summary Report or Agents Legacy Summary Report.
    com.vontu.manager.advanced.summary.export_or_print_or_mail.maxrows = 30000
  • Save and close the file.
  • Start Symantec DLP Manager Service.


Default Locations (Substitute your DLP version):

Windows: C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\[DLP Version]\Protect\config\
Linux: /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/[DLP Version]/Protect/config/

Note: Please be sure to create a backup of the file before making any edits in case you need to roll back.