Query showing Licenses used by Computers
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Query showing Licenses used by Computers


Article ID: 178771


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


How can we tell what ITMS Solution licenses are being used by our managed computers?


ITMS 8.x


Symantec Installation Manager (SIM) can show when licenses are exceeded for a particular solution but sometimes it is necessary to know which computers are consuming the licenses. 

The following query lists computers alphabetically and which licenses they are using. The query can be ran in SQL Management Studio or in a custom SQL report. If the query reveals that computers are consuming licenses that they shouldn’t consume the licenses can be released by retiring the computer.

SELECT vComputer.Name [Computer], vItem.Name [License]
FROM LicenseInUse
LEFT JOIN vComputer ON vComputer.Guid = LicenseInUse.ResourceGuid
LEFT JOIN vItem ON vItem.Guid = LicenseInUse.LicensingPolicyGuid
ORDER BY vComputer.Name, vItem.Name