Custom Report for NICs and MAC Addresses
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Custom Report for NICs and MAC Addresses


Article ID: 178711


Updated On:


Inventory Solution IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


 How to create a custom Report for NICs and MAC Addresse


ITMS 8.x

Inventory Solution 8.x


Hardware inventory collects information about Network Interface Cards (NICs) and the MAC address assigned to each NIC, but there is no out-of-box report to view this information. To view this information with a custom report follow these steps:

  1. In the console go to Reports>All Reports.
  2. Right-click on a report folder or create a new report folder to create the report in.
  3. Select New>Report>SQL Report.
  4. Give the new report an appropriate name.
  5. Delete the default query in the Parameterized Query box and paste the following query:

SELECT vComputer.Name,
vComputer.[IP Address],
vComputer.[MAC Address],
Inv_HW_Network_Adapter.[Network Address]
FROM Inv_HW_Logical_Device
LEFT JOIN vComputer on vComputer.Guid = Inv_HW_Logical_Device._ResourceGuid
LEFT JOIN Inv_HW_Network_Adapter on Inv_HW_Network_Adapter._ResourceGuid = Inv_HW_Logical_Device._ResourceGuid
AND Inv_HW_Network_Adapter.[Device ID] = Inv_HW_Logical_Device.[Device ID]
WHERE Inv_HW_Logical_Device.[Device Class] = '512'
AND Inv_HW_Logical_Device.Description NOT LIKE '%miniport%'
AND Inv_HW_Logical_Device.Description NOT LIKE '%minipuerto%'

  1. Save the Report and view the results. The search bar can be used to narrow the results down to certain computers.

Please note that Symantec Support does not support custom reports so further modifications and troubleshooting must be made by the user.