Warranty information for Symantec appliances
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Warranty information for Symantec appliances


Article ID: 178649


Updated On:


Advanced Threat Protection Platform Web Gateway Messaging Gateway


 The article describes on how to verify warranty information for the following Symantec appliances:

Messaging Gateway 8340 (SMG 8340)
Messaging Gateway 8360 (SMG 8360)
Messaging Gateway 8380 (SMG 8380)
Advanced Threat Protection Platform 8840 (ATP 8840)
Advanced Threat Protection Platform 8880 (ATP 8880)
Web Gateway 8450 (SWG 8450)
Web Gateway 8490 (SWG 8490)


Messaging Gateway



Gather the service tag

Look for the Dell Service Tag on the Symantec appliance in one of the following locations:

  1. On a label on the outside of the shipping container.
  2. On a label on the front or back of the appliance.
  3. When accessing the appliance UI or command line interface.

Messaging Gateway (SMG)

  • In the SMG Control Center, on the Status tab, navigate to System > Hosts. On the Hardware Information tab, the service tag for each scanner appears in the Dell Service Tag column.
  • At the SMG command line interface, type: show -i | grep Tag

Note: "VMWare" model appliances do not have a Dell Service Tag.

Note: If the serial number begins with "VMWare-", the appliance does not have a service tag.

           Advanced Threat Protection Platform (ATP)

  • In the ATP:N Central Intelligence Unit, navigate to Settings > Devices, and then click the device you want to examine.
  • At the ATP:N command line interface, type: show -i | grep Tag

Note: If the serial number does not begin with "VMWare-", the serial number is also the service tag.

Web Gateway (SWG)

  • In the SWG Central Intelligence Unit, navigate to Administration > System Status.
  • At the SWG command line interface, log in as the administrator to see the service tag.

Note: If the serial number does not begin with "VMWare-", the serial number is also the service tag.


Verify the warranty period

  1. Go to http://support.dell.com.
  2. Enter the service tag, and click Submit.
  3. Click the Warranty tab. The warranty information appears as follows:
    • Start date: When the warranty period started for the individual Symantec appliance.
    • Warranty expiration date: When the warranty period ends for the individual Symantec appliance.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Can I buy an extended warranty for Symantec hardware appliances?

A: You can extend the warranty for a Symantec hardware appliance up to 5 years from the initial warranty start date. Contact your Symantec reseller, Symantec distributor, or Symantec sales team member to receive a quote and submit a PO. An exception exists for ATP8840 appliance hardware, which cannot receive warranty longer than a total of 3 years.

Q: My appliance is older than 5 years. What options do I have for hardware support?

A: Symantec recommends that you replace hardware older than five years. If replacement cannot occur immediately, consider one of the following so that a temporary replacement is ready in the event of equipment failure for the out-of-warranty appliance:

  • Virtualize the appliance
  • Install a Virtual Edition appliance