Install SQL client components for Endpoint Protection Manager
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Install SQL client components for Endpoint Protection Manager


Article ID: 178648


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


The Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) requires the following Microsoft SQL components:
•    Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server
•    Microsoft Command line utilities for SQL Server (bcp.exe & SQLCMD)

NOTE: Starting with 14.3 RU1, pre-installing the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client is no longer required.  If you are installing/reinstalling 14.3 MP1 or earlier, you will still need to download and install the Microsoft SQL Server Native Client before installing the SEPM.


SEPM that connects to Remote SQL database.


NOTE: This KB article doesn't apply to SEPM with Express SQL (Embedded DB), since the SEPM installer takes care of installing all needed components for SEPM to connect to its DB.


For SQL Server 2016 (RTM, SP1,SP2), SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2019, SQL Server 2022

  1. On the SEPM create a folder called SQL Client tools. i.e. c:\SQL Client tools
  2. Open Web browser and go to the following URLs and select your language and click download the required components listed below

Once all the files have been downloaded, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder you created in step 1. i.e. c:\SQL Client tools

Double Click msodbcsql.msi -- ODBC Driver for SQL Server  to install the ODBC drivers.  When the install finishes, double click MsSQLCmdLnUtils.msi  to install Microsoft Command line utilities for SQL Server

Once these have been installed, you can now install the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager

Additional information:

Starting with SQL server 2014 Bcp.exe is now located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\<version>\Tools\Binn.  When installing the SEPM you may receive the error "SQL Server Client tools must be installed on your server".  If you run into this message, click OK and then click browse and browse to the location of Bcp.exe.

**Please note that at the time of writing this is version

ODBC driver 18.x is NOT supported by Microsoft with SQL command line 15.x 
As of this writing Microsoft only supports ODBC 17.x with the 15.x SQL command line tools