Select IIS Web site configuration options | Use the default Web site | Use the default Web site Installs the Symantec Endpoint Protection IIS Web application in the default IIS Web site, and works with any other Web application that is installed in the Web site. Create a custom Web site Disables the default IIS Web site, and creates a Symantec Web server for Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager.
Server name | local host name | Name of the computer that runs the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. |
Server port | 8443 | Port number on which the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager server listens. |
Web console port | 9090 | HTTP port used for remote console connections. |
Server data folder | C:\Program Files\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\data | Directory in which the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager places data files including backups, replication, and other Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager files. The installer creates this directory if it does not exist. |
Site name | Site local host name | Site name of the highest level container under which all features are configured and run with the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. |
Encryption password | None | The password that encrypts communication between the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager, clients, and optional Enforcer hardware devices. The password can be from 1-32 alphanumeric characters and is required. Document this password and put it in a secure location. You cannot change or recover the password after you create the database. You must also enter this password for disaster recovery purposes if you do not have a backed up database to restore. |
Database server | local host name | Name of the Microsoft SQL server and the optional instance name. If the database server was installed with the default instance, which is no name, type either host name or the host's IP address. If the database server was installed with a named instance, type either host name\instance_name or IP address\instance_name. Typing host name only works with properly configured DNS. If you install to a remote database server, you must first install the SQL Server client components on the computer that runs the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. |
SQL Server Port | 1433 | Port that the computer running SQL Server is configured with to send and receive traffic. Port 0, which is used to specify a random, negotiated port, is not supported. |
Database Name | sem5 | Name of the database that is created. |
User | sem5 | Name of the database user account that is created. The user account has a standard role with read and write access. The name can be a combination of alphanumeric values and the special characters ~#%_+=|:./. The special characters `!@$^&*()-{}[]\\<;>,? are not allowed. The following names are also not allowed: sysadmin, server admin, setupadmin, securityadmin, processadmin, dbcreator, diskadmin, bulkadmin.
Password | None | The password to associate with the database user account. The name can be a combination of alphanumeric values and the special characters ~#%_+=|:./. The special characters `!@$^&*()-{}[]\\<;>,? are not allowed. |
SQL client folder | C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn | Location of the local SQL Client Utility directory that contains bcp.exe. If you create a database on SQL Server 2005, the default numeric directory is 90. The complete default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn |
DBA user | None | Name of the database server administrator account, which is typically sa. |
DBA password | None | Name of the password that is associated with the database user account. |
Database data folder | Automatically detected after clicking Default SQL Server 2000: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data SQL Server 2005: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data | Location of the SQL Server data directory. If you install to a remote server, the volume identifier must match the identifier on the remote server. If you are installing to a named instance on SQL Server 2000, the instance name is appended to MSSQL with a dollar sign as in \MSSQL$instance name\Data. If you are installing to a named instance on SQL Server 2005, the instance name is appended to MSSQL with a dot numeric identifier as in \MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data. Note: Clicking Default displays the correct installation directory, if you entered the database server and instance name correctly. If you click Default and the correct installation directory does not appear, your database creation fails.
Admin User Name | admin | Name of the default user name that is used to log on to the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Console for the first time. (not changeable) |
Admin Password | None | The password specified during server configuration to use with the admin user name. |