Change the user and password on multiple tasks that specify a specific user.
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Change the user and password on multiple tasks that specify a specific user.


Article ID: 178592


Updated On:


Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


In an environment where many tasks are configure to use a specific user (instead of agent credentials or logged on user) it is necessary to update the password or user name on these tasks.

Currently this tool only works for the following task types:

Run Script on Server
Run Script on Task Server
Run Script


ITMS 8.x


Attached files: - This file is for 8.x. Extract the zip file, you can then run the command line tool.


Command line tool information:

The utility provides functionality for editing the "Script" type task settings. It can only be run on the Notification Server computer.


/NOCONFIRM  Optional: Enables to ignore a user confirmation for settings editing.

/TASKTYPE=collection  Optional: The task types (comma-separated GUIDs), containing the instances to be edited.

/TASKFOLDER=collection Optional: The folders (comma-separated GUIDs), containing the tasks to be edited. Subfolders are not included.

/RUNAS=string   Use specified authentication setting for the selected tasks. If set to SPECIFICUSER then parameter /USER and /PASSWORD must be specified. The option LOGGEDONUSER is applicable only for the ScriptTask.

/MATCHEDRUNAS   Change only tasks that already have "Run As" option set to specific user. Can be used only when /RUNAS option is set to SPECIFICUSER.

/USER=string   The common setting of the task that can be edited. Must be used with parameter /PASSWORD.

/PASSWORD=string   The common setting of the task that can be edited. Must be used with parameter /USER.

Note: It is not recommended to use utility to change credentials for all script tasks in the infrastructure. Please use /TASKFOLDER and /MATCHEDRUNAS keys to reduce the amount of tasks that should be updated.


Supported task types:

  1. ServerScriptTask (29cf22f6-b869-4dec-b101-0f5fdf99fdbf) 
  2. ScriptTask (4f1b9b32-b5c6-4d83-8992-f73582217aac) 
  3. TaskServerScriptTask (fbdc45bc-3f7a-49f9-93af-eb7527c05627) 

The utility modifies the selected settings for all tasks on Notification Server that correspond to chosen task types and folders (subfolders are not included).If task types and folders are not selected, the tasks for all supported types will be edited. 



1. How to edit all user settings of the tasks


2. How to edit user settings of a specific task

EDITSCRIPTTASKSETTINGS /TASKTYPE=29cf22f6-b869-4dec-b101-0f5fdf99fdbf,4f1b9b32-b5c6-4d83-8992-f73582217aac /RUNAS=SPECIFICUSER /USER=someuser /PASSWORD=somepassword

3. How to edit user settings of a specific task in a specific folder (subfolders are not included)

EDITSCRIPTTASKSETTINGS /TASKTYPE=29cf22f6-b869-4dec-b101-0f5fdf99fdbf,4f1b9b32-b5c6-4d83-8992-f73582217aac /TASKFOLDER=38a1ea50-42f2-4962-b95c-4466995afff6,cf7eebc7-753b-49cc-abc7-7a81e40623c7 /RUNAS=SPECIFICUSER /USER=someuser /PASSWORD=somepassword

4. How to edit user settings of a specific task in a specific folder (subfolders are not included)

EDITSCRIPTTASKSETTINGS /TASKTYPE=29cf22f6-b869-4dec-b101-0f5fdf99fdbf,4f1b9b32-b5c6-4d83-8992-f73582217aac /TASKFOLDER=38a1ea50-42f2-4962-b95c-4466995afff6,cf7eebc7-753b-49cc-abc7-7a81e40623c7 /RUNAS=SPECIFICUSER /USER=someuser /PASSWORD=somepassword

You may check if you have such tasks or not by using following SQL query:

select ic.Guid, i.Name, iv.VersionGuid, ivd.VersionGuid as VersionGuid2
from [dbo].[ItemClass] ic
left join Item i on ic.Guid = i.Guid
left join ItemVersions iv on ic.Guid = iv.ItemGuid
left join ItemVersionData ivd on iv.VersionGuid = ivd.VersionGuid
where ic.[ClassGuid] = '4f1b9b32-b5c6-4d83-8992-f73582217aac'
order by VersionGuid

NOTE: The tasks that will have NULL values for VersionGuids, needs to be modified manually as utility will skip them.


Regarding ITMS 8.x

For 8.x release, we have a help topic related to this functionality in our online documentation:

ITMS Documentation landing page

The Update Settings of Selected Script Tasks dialog box lets you update the settings of multiple script tasks simultaneously. For example, if you have a large number of script tasks that run under specific user credentials and you need to change these credentials for all tasks as documented in the following:

About Task Management

Creating a task


To update settings of multiple script tasks:

  1. In the Symantec Management Console, on the Manage menu, click Jobs and Tasks.

  2. In the left pane, navigate to any script task that you have created, right-click the task, and then click Update Task Settings.

  3. In the Update Settings of Selected Script Tasks dialog box, enter the credentials that you want to use for running the script tasks.

  4. In the list of script tasks, select tasks for which you want to apply these settings, and then on the toolbar, click Apply. If you want to apply the settings to all tasks, click Apply to All.

  1. To confirm the change, click OK.

  2. Click Close.


Additional Information

eTrack 3998626

Attachments get_app