Removing Image references from Database
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Removing Image references from Database


Article ID: 178553


Updated On: 10-10-2023


Deployment Solution


 How to remove Image references form Database for both HTTP and Standard Images resources


 There are 2 ways to delete images from your HTTP image list. HTTP Images are captured via a preconfigured HTTP share, set up via KB article: 154365
 This method can also be used for standard images as well as HTTP images.

Neither of these methods will delete the actual image files from the HDD, you will have to do that manually. Only the Item Reference in the database will be removed so it will no longer appear as an option or package in the console.

Standard Images are usually removed via Settings > All Settings, Deployment and Migration > Disk Images, deleting any packages you wish. The below are alternate methods to do the same thing, as well as how to remove HTTP images.

1: Removing HTTP images from the console.

Open your console, and select Manage > All Resources.

Expand All Resources > Software Component > Image Resource.

Highlight the name of the image you would like to remove, check to make sure it's the correct image by right clicking it and opening Resource Manager. In Resource Manager, click View > Inventory, then expand Data Classes > Software Management, and click Image Resource Component. Check the Location field to confirm the image you would like to remove.

If this is the image you would like to remove from the console, click Delete on the left pane. This will remove all references to it in the console, including any dropdowns that may have this image selected in your tasks.


2: Removing the images directly from the database by placing the image's guid into the ItemToDelete table. With this method, you can delete multiple or all images from the database. TAKE CARE when using the SQL Management Studio so you don't delete more information than you intend.

Open SQL Management Studio and use the following query to see all images you have in the database:

Select location from INV_Image_Resource_Component

Find the image you want to remove from the database, copy the whole Location cell for it, and paste it over the {PlaceLocationHere}, variable in the following SQL statement. Be sure to overwrite the brackets as well, leaving only the single quotation marks around the actual location.

insert into ItemToDelete (Guid,DeleteDate)
(select _resourceguid, GETDATE()
from Inv_Image_Resource_Component where Location like '

After the command is complete, Open the Windows Task Scheduler (Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler), click on the Task Scheduler Library, find the NS.Quarter-Hour and run it. Once complete, the image references will be deleted.

NOTE: You can remove more than one by changing the location variable above to a partial path and adding the wildcard after or before it. THESE ARE DANGEROUS SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION!

 Common entries include the following:

http%   - Removes all HTTP images from your database, leaving standard images only.

http://{YOURSERVER.EN_US}%   - Removes all HTTP images from {YOURSERVER.EN_US}, assuming you replace {YOURSERVER.EN_US} with your actual server name.

%{IMAGENAME.EN_US}%   - Removes all images with {IMAGENAME.EN_US} from your database. This will affect both HTTP and standard images.

%    - This removes all images, HTTP and standard, from your server.

Like stated before, these methods will only remove image references from your database. If you accidentally delete an item reference you needed, you can reimport the image using the Resource Import Tool located in C:\Program Files\Altiris\Deployment\Tools, and reimport image files that remain on the HDD.