Is there a Report that will list all the installed solutions and their version for Symantec Management Platform?
ITMS 8.x
Option 1:
The attached report can be imported into your Symantec Management Platform installation to query the database for currently installed products and their version.
Please note that there are some cosmetic display differences between the information stored in the database and the information available from the Product Listing displayed by Symantec Installation Manager.
To allow this report to be exported to a correctly formatted .CSV file the Name and Description fields have had commas removed
To import the report
Option 2:
Or Try the following in SQL Mgmt Studio
select vProduct.[Guid], REPLACE(vProduct.[Name], ', ',' ') as [Product Name], REPlACE(vProduct.Description,', ',' ') as [Product Description], substring(vItem.[State], charindex('<version>',vItem.[State],1)+9, (charindex('</version>',vItem.[State],1) - (charindex('<version>',vItem.[State],1)+9))) [Version], (case charindex('<msiVersion>',vItem.[State],1) when 0 then 'No MSI Version available' Else substring(vItem.[State], charindex('<msiVersion>',vItem.[State],1)+12, (charindex('</msiVersion>',vItem.[State],1) - (charindex('<msiVersion>',vItem.[State],1)+12))) end) as [MSI Version] from vProduct join vItem on vProduct.Guid = vItem.Guid order by vProduct.[Name]