Using the Replenish Stockroom Quantities automation Policy
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Using the Replenish Stockroom Quantities automation Policy


Article ID: 178491


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Asset Management Solution IT Management Suite


 How to use the Replenish Stockroom Quantities automation Policy?


ITMS 8.x

Asset Management Suite 8.x


Asset Management Solution included an automation policy, when leveraged, can create a Purchase Order and notify the stockroom manager when a consumable Asset reaches a predetermined threshold.

The following steps will overview how to set up the policy.

  1. Navigate to the target stockroom. Located at Home > Service and Asset Management > Procurement > Stockroom. Right click and select edit on the targeted stockroom.
  2. In the data class "Stock Order Details" click the add button, and fill out the fields. Catalog Items will need to match the Catalog item that is being added to the stockroom. Order level is the threshold that triggers the task to create a purchase order when the number in stock falls below that number. 
  3. Insure that the "Stock Room Manager" has a valid email in the user resource. This can be determined by clicking on the Name of the user.
  4. Navigate to the Replenish Stockroom Quantities automation policy. This is located at Manage > Automation Policies >Replenish Stockroom Quantities.
  5. Turn the policy on, and insure that under the "actions" section, the "Edit input parameters" is set to "Results as CSV" Leave the "Custom Value" Blank.
    Please note: Support at this time has found CSV works best.

Please note: For emails to work, the notification server must have SMTP server setting configured. This is located Settings > All Settings > Notificaiton Server > Notification Server Settings under the email tab.