How to uninstall and reinstall Task Management on the SMP (Symantec Management Platform) server
ITMS 8.x
The following steps describe how to uninstall and reinstall the Task Server (Task Service) and then reinstall it.
1. From the SMP Console, remove the Task Server component from the SMP Server:
2. From the SMP Console, run a Delta Membership Update:
3. From the Agent UI on the SMP Server, click on "Update configuration". It should get the configuration change and "Task Service Uninstall (x64)" policy should appear under "Software Delivery" tab. The uninstall process will be triggered and start.
4. From the SMP Console, install the Task Server component on the SMP Server:
5. From the SMP Console, run a Delta Membership Update:
6. From the Agent UI on the SMP Server, click on "Update configuration". It should get the configuration change and "Task Service Install (x64)" policy should appear under "Software Delivery" tab. The install process will be triggered and start.
1. Uninstall Client Task Server (if installed): Do this through the console by going to site server settings and unchecking the Task server services for the SMP or by running the \\localhost\nscap\bin\Win64\X64\Client Task Management\Server Package\TaskServerSetup_x64.exe and selecting uninstall.
2. Uninstall Task Management: Run ...\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris\Altiris_Taskmanagement_X_X_X64.msi (Use the latest version)
Start command prompt as ADMINISTRATOR. Browse to \Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris\
msiexec /i Altiris_Taskmanagement_X_X_X64.msi skipaim=1
and select Remove when prompted
3. Reboot the Server
4. Reinstall Task Management: From an ADMINISTRATOR (right click run as admin) command prompt, navigate to: \Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris\ and execute:
msiexec /i Altiris_Taskmanagement_X_X_X64.msi skipaim=1
If your current installation is a different drive or path, use the INSTALLDIR to specify where it needs to place its directory:
msiexec /i altiris_taskmanagement_8_6_ru3_x64.msi INSTALLDIR="F:\program files\altiris\Taskmanagement" skipaim=1
5. Repair TaskServerTasks msi: From an ADMINISTRATOR (right click run as admin) command prompt, navigate to: \Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manager\Installs\Altiris\ and execute:
msiexec /i Altiris_Taskservertasks_X_X_x64.msi skipaim=1
6. Repair Any current hotfixes installed (i.e. Cumulative Post 8.x Point Fixes)
7. Reinstall Client Task Server Agent (Task Services): If the Client Task Server was previously installed then go back through the Site Server Settings in the console and re-add the Task Server service to the SMP server
If you need to install the Task Services manually, the following is an example of what you could run from the command prompt:
'Task Service Install (x64)' command line='"F:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{840EC827-DBEF-43D7-A3E5-71E96CA4944B}\cache\TaskServerSetup_x64.exe" -a /ALL:a /qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress /a NSURL="http://smpserver/Altiris/" /s true /r false'
How to repair / reinstall / uninstall a Task Server agent manually? (KB 176958)