Manually configure Workflow timeouts and escalation webservice
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Manually configure Workflow timeouts and escalation webservice


Article ID: 178354


Updated On:


Workflow Solution


The automatic webservice is not checking for timeouts and escalations, how can I manually configure this background process?


ITMS 8.x

Workflow Solution 8.x


The manual webservice can be configured to check timeouts and escalations using the following procedure:

  1. Open the Server Extensions Configurator tool 
  2. Click to modify the Webservice Auto Invoke > Manual Setup Info 
  3. Click Add to create a new configuration

  4. Add the URL to the WorkflowManagementService.asmx from the published project and specify the CheckTimeoutsAndEscalations for the Method Name

  5. Click Ok to save the changes, then restart Server Extensions for this change to take effect