How to manage or upload user's approved or blocked senders list from the Clientnet portal.
You can create or edit a user approved and blocked senders list offline and upload it to the portal. Two options are available for uploading lists into the portal:
Enter the email address or domain in the first column. Enter the description in the second column. Enter Blocked or Approved in the third column.
To upload a list
Select Services > Email Services > Anti-Spam.
From the domains drop-down list, select the domain that contains the user to apply the list to.
Select the List Management tab.
In the Approved and Blocked Senders Lists area search box, enter the part of the user's email address before the @ sign.
Click Display.
The User Approved and Blocked Senders List is displayed.
Click Upload.
The Upload User Addresses box is displayed.
Enter the file path and name to upload, or click Browse to locate the file.
Select the appropriate option in the On Upload area, depending on whether the new addresses should replace or be merged with any existing addresses (duplicate entries are ignored).
Click Upload.
Click Finish.
New list entries are added to the User Approved and Blocked Senders List.