Enabling predictive (heuristic) spam detection
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Enabling predictive (heuristic) spam detection


Article ID: 178326


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Email Security.cloud


 How to enable Skeptic heuristics in Anti-Spam page.


Email Security.cloud


The Skepticâ„¢ heuristics detection method differs from the signaturing system because it uses predictive technology instead of reactive technology. The predictive nature of Skeptic targets unknown spam threats and suspicious emails.

Skeptic scores each email against a set of rules. If an email achieves more than a specified score, it is identified as spam.

The Skeptic heuristics detection method helps to identify those spam emails that change most frequently, such as unsuitable or fraudulent mailings. Many organizations block and delete the suspicious emails that are detected through Skeptic. However, due to the predictive nature of this method, you may want to quarantine such emails. The Skeptic heuristics detection method also enables you to block newsletters.

To enable the use of Skepticâ„¢

  1. Navigate in the portal to the Services > Email Services > Anti-Spam > Detection Settings tab.

  2. In the Predictive Spam Detection area, select the Use Skeptic heuristics check box.

  3. Select an Action from the drop-down list to be used for any emails that triggers Skeptic detection.

  4. Click Save and Exit.

    Confirmation of the setting is displayed.

See how to manage newsletter / marketing email filtering with Email Security.cloud service.