Enabling blocked senders lists
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Enabling blocked senders lists


Article ID: 178324


Updated On:


Email Security.cloud


 How to utilize the blocked senders list option as part of the Anti-Spam configuration.


Enabling blocked senders lists

Whether you use global, group, or user lists, or a combination of these, you must enable blocked senders lists. When you enable blocked senders lists, you must define an action for any email that is identified as originating from a blocked sender.


Group Settings and User Settings are not available by default. Contact the Support team to be provisioned with this facility.

To enable blocked senders lists

  1. Select Services > Email Services > Anti-Spam.

  2. Click the Detection Settings tab.

  3. Under Responsive Spam Detection, select the appropriate checkbox to enable the blocked senders list depending on which type of senders in your lists are allowed to bypass the scan: only IP addresses, only domain names and email addresses, or all types of sender (select both boxes).

  4. For each Use blocked senders list checkbox that you have selected, select an action for the detected spam from the Action drop-down list.

  5. Click Save and Exit.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

See Overview of AntiSpam detection settings and actions