Running the Synchronization Tool from a command-line interface
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Running the Synchronization Tool from a command-line interface


Article ID: 178319


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Running the Synchronization Tool from a command-line interface

You can run the Synchronization Tool from the graphical user interface (GUI) application or from a command-line interface (CLI).. Invoking the Synchronization Tool from a CLI is the first stage to configuring it to operate automatically.


The CLI version of the synchronizer on the Linux platform is called schemusc and is located in the install directory. Assuming that the installation directory is on your path, first make sure that the GUI version of the synchronizer is not running. Then open a terminal and type the following command:

$ schemusc -config "yourconfigurationname"

In this command, substitute yourconfigurationname for the configuration name of the synchronization you want to perform. If there are spaces within the configuration name, it is necessary to enclose the name in double quotation marks; otherwise the quotation marks are optional.


The CLI version of the synchronizer on the Windows platform is called schemusc.exe and is located in the install directory. So assuming that it has been installed in the default location, first make sure that the GUI version of the synchronizer is not running. Then open a command prompt and type the following command:

C:\>cd "\Program Files\schemus"
C:\Program Files\schemus>schemusc -config "yourconfigurationname"

In this command, substitute yourconfigurationname for the configuration name of the synchronization profile you want to run. If there are spaces within the configuration profile name, enclose the name in double quotation marks. If there are no spaces within the configuration profile name, you do not need to include the quotation marks.