Steps to Capture and Deploy an Image Containing the Symantec Management Agent with Deployment Solution
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Steps to Capture and Deploy an Image Containing the Symantec Management Agent with Deployment Solution


Article ID: 178208


Updated On:


Deployment Solution


 How to deploy an image with Symantec Management Agent installed


DS 8.x


This document covers how to capture and deploy an image containing the Symantec Management Agent with Deployment Solution. These steps will work with DS regardless of the service pack.

1.) The first thing to do is make sure that the Symantec Management Agent (SMA) is installed in on the machine that the capture image job will be run on. 
2.) Once the SMA is installed on the client machine to be imaged open the Deployment Solution Console by double clicking the Deployment Console icon located on the Desktop of the DS server.

3.) After the Deployment Console has opened, select the machine to be imaged from the computers list in the top left corner and right click it and select Quick Disk Image. Leave all the default settings in the Schedule Computers for Job window and click OK.
4.) If the a window is presented asking if you would like to continue with this schedule click Yes. The job will now start running against the client.  Depending on your environment this should take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Once the capture image job has completed the status will show "Imaging Process Complete".
5.) After the capture image job has completed, right click the destination computer from the computer list and select "New Job Wizard".  By default the "Deploy and configure computers" radio button is selected, leave this selected.  Give the job a name such as Deploy Win7 Image. Click Next.

6.) This will bring up the Job Conditions window.  Leave the default setting "Not using condition for this job" and click Next.

7.) This will bring up the Disk Image Source window. Next to the Name field click the small button with the folder icon to browse for the image that was just captured.By default, Windows images will be stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Images\Windows.  Select the Image and click Open. Once the image has been chosen, leave the remaining default settings on the Disk Image Source window and click Next.
8.) This will bring up the Select Computers window.  By default the machine selected from the computers list will be selected.  It also allows for the option to select more computers to deploy the image to.  Select the computers to be imaged and click Next.
9.) This will bring up the Summary Window.  Confirm the correct machines are selected and click Next.

10.) This will bring up the Schedule Job window.  Leave all of the default settings and click Finish.

11.) If the a window is presented asking if you would like to continue with this schedule click Yes.

12.) This will bring up the Domain Account Information window. Enter an domain account user name and password with administrative rights and click OK.

13.) The image will now begin deploying to the selected machines.  This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the network.  Once this job completes the selected    machine(s) will be imaged with the SMA installed.