Why does LiveUpdate Administrator fail to download new updates?
LUA is installed and running. Downloads are configured correctly. Manual or scheduled shows as failing. Subsequent attempts indicate that there are no updates to obtain.
The content on the LiveUpdate Administrator (LUA) server is out of date.
This issue will occur when LiveUpdate Administrator (LUA) is running in an environment where direct connections to Internet HTTP/FTP servers are blocked. It is standard practice to allow connections to Internet HTTP/FTP servers via a proxy server in such environments.
LiveUpdate Administrator (LUA) must be configured to ultilze the HTTP/FTP proxy in order to download updates from the Internet.
Note: LiveUpdate Administrator does not support PASV mode FTP connections.
To configure LUA to connect to the LiveUpdate Source Servers through a proxy:
The following steps walk through the process of modify the default Source Servers list to add proxy information to the HTTP and FTP
Important note: after any changes are made to the proxy configuration, do stop and restart the LUA Tomcat service of the LUA 2.x server. This will confirm that new credentials and other details about the proxy are in effect at all levels of networking.