How do you configure clients to download install packages from a source other than the SEPM?
Managed SEP clients are in a remote locations, across a WAN link. Because of costs or bandwidth considerations, allowing the clients to download an installation package across the WAN or other slow link is not allowable or desired.
Use the following procedure to allow clients to run installation packages from a different source than the SEPM:
1. Create a web server
Using this option in SEPM requires the use of a 3rd party web server. IIS is the most common, but SEP will work with any web server so long as it is configured appropriately.
However, if using IIS, you should also create a Virtual Directory for the client package and set only Read and Browse permission.
Next verify you can connect to the web sever/virtual directory from any client by browsing to the URL of the folder or virtual directory from a client's web browser.
2. Create a single .exe client installation package
Refer to the following KB Article to create a client installation packager as a single .exe:
Creating new Client Installation packages in the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Console
Then, copy the SETUP.EXE to the folder or Virtual Directory on the web server where it will be hosted.
3. Configure the SEPM:
1. Log into the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager.
2. Click Clients.
3. Select the group in which the clients in remote location are located.
4. Click Install Packages.
5. Click Add Client install package, under Tasks.
6. In the Add Client install package window, select the option Download the client package from the following url( http or https)
7. Enter the URL and path to the SETUP.EXE for the installation package.
The clients will download the package from the remote site at their next heartbeat, unless an Upgrade Schedule has been set in which case they will receive their schedule and download the package at that time.