LiveUpdate Administrator 2.2 Performance Tuning
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LiveUpdate Administrator 2.2 Performance Tuning


Article ID: 177946


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Endpoint Protection


LiveUpdate Administrator 2.x has been successfully installed. Or, LUA 2.x has been running but is generating occassional errors. What measures can be taken to ensure that LUA runs with the greatest possible stability and efficiency?



Note: Many of the following performance tuning changes have been integrated into LiveUpdate Administrator 2.3.  Administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this latest release, if possible.  Manually alter the configuration files on LUA 2.3 only if specifically instructed to do so by Symantec Technical Support.


There are a number of tasks which the LUA admin can take to improve performance and avoid any resource-related errors.

    Check the Version
    Step 0 - Update Product Catalog
    Step 1 - Backup LUA Database
    Step 2 – Database Maintenance
    Step 3 – PostgreSQL Configuration
    Step 4 – JAVA configuration
    Step 5 – TOMCAT configuration

If assistance is required:

    Step 6 – Collect Debug information

Together these steps will tune the LUA 2.x server for increased performance.

Check the Version
To ensure that all of the most recent enhancements and improvements are available- including database tuning and maintenance improvements- Symantec Technical Support recommends upgrading to the latest available release of LUA 2.x if you have not already done so.

The latest version of LUA 2.x can be downloaded from the following website:

If it is not possible to migrate from LUA 2.1 to 2.2, be sure to use the correct ports for 2.1.

Step 0 - Update Product Catalog

      1. Log into LiveUpdate Administrator Console
      2. Click on the tab "Configure." You will Enter the "Configure" section and by default you will be in the "My Symantec Products" section.
      3. On the left side, under "My Symantec Products tasks" click on "Update Symantec Product Catalog" and wait until the process finish. A message will either confirm that new SPC updates have been applied, or state that no update is available.

      4. Logout from LiveUpdate Administrator Console.

Step 1 - Backup LUA Database
Allow each of these commands to complete before moving on. Each may require several minutes. On LUA 2.1, use port 5432 instead of 7072.

  1. From services.msc, stop the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service.
  2. Open a command window and enter the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\bin\".
  3. Dump the "lua" database to a file using the "pg_dump" utility:

    pg_dump -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >"C:\"
  4. From services.msc, stop the “LUA PostgreSQL” service.
  5. Enter the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\".
  6. Compress the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\” to create an archive named “”
  7. Move this archive "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\" in a safe location.
  8. From services.msc, start the “LUA PostgreSQL” service
  9. From services.msc, start the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service.

Step 2 – Database Maintenance
Open a command (cmd) window and change to the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\bin\".
Allow each of these commands to complete before moving on. Each may require several minutes. On LUA 2.1, use port 5432 instead of 7072.

  1. Update statistics:

    vacuumdb -z -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >C:\lua1zdb.txt 2>&1
  2. Verify the database:

    vacuumdb -v -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >C:\lua2vdb.txt 2>&1
  3. Reindex the database:

    reindexdb -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >C:\lua3idb.txt 2>&1
  4. From services.msc, stop the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service (Or, just type net stop “LUA Apache Tomcat”) Do NOT stop the“ LUA PostgreSQL” service!
  5. Re-analyze and re-verify the database after the reindex using EXCLUSIVE ACCESS:

    vacuumdb -fzv -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >C:\lua5zv2.txt 2>&1
  6. Reindex the database:

    reindexdb -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >C:\lua6idb2.txt 2>&1
  7. Update statistics:

    vacuumdb -z -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >C:\lua7zdb2.txt 2>&1
  8. Dump the "lua" database to a file using the "pg_dump" utility:

    pg_dump -h -p 7072 -U lua -d lua >"C:\"
  9. From services.msc, start the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service. (Or, just type net Start “LUA Apache Tomcat”)

Log files will be generated by the above step. These can be archived:

  1. C:\lua1zdb.txt
  2. C:\lua2vdb.txt
  3. C:\lua3idb.txt
  4. C:\lua5zdb2.txt
  5. C:\lua6vdb2.txt
  6. C:\lua7idb2.txt
  7. C:\

Step 3 – PostgreSQL Configuration
In this step we provide a new configuration file for “LUA PostgreSQL” service. You may use the attached file named “postgresql.conf.LUA22” for LUA 2.2 or postgresql.conf.LUA21 for LUA 2.1. Administrators with advanced knowledge of PostgreSQL may wish to create their own configuration file. The GUC's in Tuning LiveUpdate Administrator 2.x's PostgreSQL Database may help.


  1. From services.msc, stop the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service and then stop “LUA PostgreSQL” service.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\".
  3. Create the folder “pg_log” inside the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\".
    (The new folder will be "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\pg_log\")
  4. Rename the file “postgresql.conf” to “postgresql.conf.OLD”.
    (The file will be “"<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\postgresql.conf.OLD”)
  5. Copy the provided file “postgresql.conf.LUA22” in the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\".
  6. Rename the file “postgresql.conf.LUA22” to “postgresql.conf”.
    (The file will be “"<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\pg_log\postgresql.conf”)
  7. Start “LUA PostgreSQL” service.
  8. Start “LUA Apache Tomcat” service.
  9. Enter the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\pg_log\” and check that a file is created.

Step 4 – JAVA configuration

1. Stop the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service and change startup type from “Automatic” to “Disabled”.
2. Stop the “LUA PostgreSQL” service and change startup type from “Automatic” to “Disabled”.
3. Uninstall any previous version of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Developers Kit).
4. Download Java “JDK 1.6 Update 14 or later” from the following link:
5. Install all Java JDK components
6. Reboot the server.
7. Check in “Add or Remove Programs” that both JDK and JRE are present.

8. Open a command window and type “java -version” to check if Java is registered properly


9. Change “LUA PostgreSQL” service type from “Disabled” to “Automatic”
10. Start “LUA PostgreSQL” service.
11. Change “LUA Apache Tomcat” service type from “Disabled” to “Automatic”
12. Start “LUA Apache Tomcat” service.
13. Enter the folder "<lua_install_dir>\pgsql\data\pg_log\” and check that a file is created.
14. Enter the folder "<lua_install_dir>\tomcat\logs\” and check that files are created.

Step 5 – TOMCAT configuration

Open a command window and enter the folder "<lua_install_dir>\tomcat\bin\".

  1. Execute the following command:

    <lua_install_dir>\tomcat\bin\tomcat5w.exe //ES//LUATomcat

For example:
C:\LUAinst\tomcat\bin\tomcat5w.exe //ES//LUATomcat

2. A “LUA Apache Tomcat Properties” GUI will appear:

3. Enter in the “Logging” tab
4. Change logging level to “Debug”

5. Enter in “Java” tab

6. Deselect the “Use default” option.

7. The “Java Virtual Machine” field will become available.

      Click on the “…” button and select the SERVER version of “Java virtual machine”.

8. Add the following lines to the “Java Options” section:


An example, for sake of illustration, after adding custom “JAVA Options”


9. Change memory and thread parameters using the following values:

    Initial memory pool: 128
    Maximum memory pool: 128
    Thread stack size: 96

At the end the “Java” tab will be like the following:

10. Click on the “OK” button.
11. Stop the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service, wait 30 seconds, then start the “LUA Apache Tomcat” service.

Step 6 – Collect Debug information
If additional assistance is required, gather debug information about LUA 2.x with the following procedure. Note that LUA 2.1 uses port 8080 by default.

1. Open Internet Explorer on your LiveUpdate Administrator 2.x (LUA 2.x) server
2. Login to LUA 2.x using valid account credentials.
3. Open the following URL:
4. Click Ok when prompted
5. When collection is complete, a link will be posted from which to download “”.

For details, please see How to Collect Troubleshooting Information from LiveUpdate Administrator 2.x



postgresql.conf.LUA22 get_app
postgresql.conf.LUA21 get_app