About Risk reports and logs
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About Risk reports and logs


Article ID: 177835


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Endpoint Protection


Symantec Endpoint Protection

A brief explanation of the Risk reports.




About the information in the Risk reports and logs

  • The Risk log and reports include information about risk events on your management servers and their clients.

    The table below describes some typical uses for the kind of information that you can get from Risk quick reports and log.
    Log and report types Typical uses
    Infected and At Risk Computers Use this report to quickly identify the computers that need your attention because they are infected with a virus or a security risk.
    Detection Action Summary Use this report to identify the actions that were taken when risks were detected. This information also appears on the Symantec Endpoint Protection Home page.
    Risk Detections Count Use this report to identify the domains, groups, or particular computers that have the largest number of risk detections. You can then investigate why some entities seem to be at greater risk than others in your network.
    New Risks Detected in the Network Use this report to identify and track the impact of new risks on your network.
    Top Risk Detections Correlation Use this report to look for correlations between risks and computers, users, domains, and servers.
    Risk Distribution Summary
    Risk Distribution Over Time
    Use these reports to track the distribution of risks. You can also use it to pinpoint particular risks, domains, groups, servers, computers, and the users that seem to have more problems than others. You can use Risk Distribution Over Time to see how these risks change over time.
    Action Summary for Top Risks Use this report to review the actions that were taken on the risks that Symantec Endpoint Protection has detected in your network.
    Number of Notifications
    Number of Notifications Over Time
    Use these reports to refine how you create and configure notifications in your network.
    Weekly Outbreaks Use this report to track risk outbreaks week by week.
    Comprehensive Risk Report Use this report to see all of the distribution reports and the new risks report information at one time.
    Risk log Use this log if you need more specific information about any of the areas in the Risk reports. For example, you can use the Risk log to see details about the risks that were detected on the computers where risks are often found. You can also use the Risk log to see details about security risks of a particular severity that have affected your network.


2009081409151448 - About the different types of Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Reports