Users receive notifications (such as Windows Toast notifications) which are undesired in a given environment. For ex.
or messages like 'Traffic from IP x.x.x.x has Been blocked', etc. and you want to hide them from the end users.
Notifications configured to pop-up for various engines and policies.
You need to either disable Windows toast notifications altogether, or disable notifications you do not want to be shown as per your needs in specific policies; these can be altered from the SEPM console for managed clients, or directly in the UI of the unmanaged clients.
Managed Clients (on the SEPM):
(As per TechDocs's Enabling or disabling Symantec Endpoint Protection pop-up notifications that appear on Windows 8 clients)
On unmanaged clients:
Managed clients (on the SEPM):
(As per TechDocs's Dialog Help and respective subchapters)
In the console, on the Policies tab, under following pages in a given policy:
the notifications may be fine tuned (for ex. disabled) just for the specific component of a given policy, usually under a Notifications tab:
or under specific Condition for an Application Control Rule Set:
Unmanaged clients (on the SEPM):
In the SEP User interface, on the Change Settings screen, under Configure Settings, for:
the notifications may be fine tuned (for ex. disabled) just for the specific component of a given policy, usually after clicking on a Notifications button: