Installation of license file for Protection Engine
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Installation of license file for Protection Engine


Article ID: 177464


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection for SharePoint Servers Protection Engine for NAS


Information is needed on how to install a Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) license file.



First remove existing SPE .slf files, except SSE-CSAPI-License.slf from the Symantec Shared folder.

  • Windows: 32-bit: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Licenses"
  • Windows: 64-bit: C:\ProgramData\Symantec Shared\Licenses"
  • Linux: /opt/Symantec/Licenses


  • SSE-CSAPI-License.slf is required for SPE to function. This file must remain intact.
  • Not all files in the above folders may be related to SPE. Verify each license file by opening the .slf file with a plain text editor before removal.

Then install the desired license using one of these methods.

Install without GUI

  1. Place the new .slf file in the folder from above based on your OS
  2. Restart the symscan or Symantec Protection Engine service
    1. Run the command: /etc/init.d/symcscan restart

Install from GUI

  1. Click System > License > Install License in the GUI.
  2. Click the Browse button to select the correct license file.
  3. Click Install to install the license.

Install from RestAPI

  1. Connect to the SPE RestAPI
  2. Navigate to the Licensing Information section
  3. Expand PUT /spe/api/v1/license-info
  4. Click Choose File and supply the license file

*Note: You must be authenticated using a Bearer token before apply the license file via RestAPI.

If the license information does not show up immediately, restart the SPE service. If the service restart does not update the license information, please contact technical support for further assistance.

Additional Information

NOTE: If you have multiple SPE SLF/licenses, the same process needs to be followed. Once added SPE will superset all licenses. 

Additional details can be found on this page