Within the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) logs or console, it can be seen that a SEP client is trying to register with an invalid Domain ID.
SEPM FINEST logging may need to be enabled to see all details:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Client is trying to register with invalid Domain ID 45A7120CC0A8ECFE013AFAC794DDE8E0 from xxxxxxxxx
com.sygate.scm.server.agentmanager.InvalidDomainIdRegistrationException: Client xxxxxx is trying to register with invalid Domain ID AD8FED1CC0A801EA202DF86C3BB4DE7E
THREAD 65 FINE: calling close on connection.
THREAD 65 FINE: Return connection to pool.
THREAD 65 WARNING: AgentRegisterHandler> registerClient> Error-> Invalid Domain ID: [32E95C2B0AF80F640B0E9CC6B9F460E2]
THREAD 65 WARNING: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SSARegData NameSpace="rpc"><AgentInfo DomainID="32E95C2B0AF80F640B0E9CC6B9F460E2" AgentType="105"
Export System Server Activity logs from SEPM Under the "Error Code" column will see "Unexpected server error." and in "Stack Trace" column below error is seen
com.sygate.scm.server.agentmanager.InvalidDomainIdRegistrationException: Client xxxxxxx is trying to register with invalid Domain ID 32E95C2B0AF80F640B0E9CC6B9F460E2. at com.sygate.scm.server.agentmanager.actions.AgentRegisterHandler.registerClient(AgentRegisterHandler.java:705) at com.sygate.scm.server.agentmanager.actions.AgentRegisterHandler.agentRegister(AgentRegisterHandler.java:392)
In the SEPM, Server tab activity logs can see multiple "Unexpected server error" events
The sylink.xml file being used by one or more clients refers to a Domain ID that no longer exists. This could occur if the SEPM was reinstalled or a former Domain has been deleted.
There are two different solutions for this issue.
When this issue occurs a file called InvalidDomainCh#Contains Invalid Domain ID and the corresponding Domain ID to be used to move a client
#Wed Jun 07 17:58:24 CDT 2017
Edit the file to include the current Domain ID in use on the SEPM found when going to Admin > Domains. Below is an example edit of the properties file which will re-direct clients to use the B9D51233C0A8C5A6007AEB8641A0EB46 Domain ID. Again, every SEPM domain will be different so check Admin > Domains to find the correct Domain ID to use.#Contains Invalid Domain ID and the corresponding Domain ID to be used to move a client
#Wed Jun 07 17:58:24 CDT 2017
Save the InvalidDomainCh
Follow the steps in How do I replace the client-server communications file on the client computer? to provide affected clients with new communication that includes the correct Domain ID.
NOTE: The domain ID is just an identifier related to administrative domains under SEPM, it is NOT related to windows domain groups.