How to backup mail queues from a Messaging Gateway and restore on another scanner
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How to backup mail queues from a Messaging Gateway and restore on another scanner


Article ID: 177322


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


You need to move the email queues off of one Messaging Gateway and restore them on another scanner.



  1. Login to the scanner locally (Virtual console or monitor and keyboard) or via putty as admin.
  2. Run the command "mta-control all stop"

(NOTE: If you don't run this command you will get an error similar to the following:)

ERROR: You must stop the MTA before running this command.
To stop the MTA, use the command: 'mta-control all stop'

  1. Run the command "mta-control all export-queues ftp://<Username>@<Server IP>/path/queuebackup.txt"

(Where <Username> is replaced by the username of the server you sending the file) and

(Where <Server IP> is replaced by the servername or IP of the server you sending the file)

(NOTE: You can also export to an SCP server by using SCP://)

You will be prompted for the server password.

A successful backup will look like the following:

Creating archive file.
Created archive of queue
Attempting to send to ftp://[email protected]/path/queuebackup.txt
Successfully exported queue.

Then you will return to the prompt.

  1. Run the command "mta-control all start" To restart the MTA for normal operations.

You will see queuebackup.txt in the directory of the FTP server.


  1. Login to the scanner locally (Virtual console or monitor and keyboard) or via putty as admin.
  2. Run the command "mta-control all import-queues ftp://<Username>@<Server IP>/path/queuebackup.txt"

(Where <Username> is replaced by the username of the server you sending the file) and

(Where <Server IP> is replaced by the servername or IP of the server you sending the file)

(NOTE: You can also import from an SCP server by using SCP://)

You will be prompted for the server password.

A successful import will look like the following:
Retrieved archive file from ftp://[email protected]/path/queuebackup.txt.  Unpacking.
Beginning queue import.

Successfully imported the message archive.

Then you will return to a prompt.

  1. Type "exit" to exit putty. Or "logout" to exit the console.