You need to move the email queues off of one Messaging Gateway and restore them on another scanner.
(NOTE: If you don't run this command you will get an error similar to the following:)
ERROR: You must stop the MTA before running this command.
To stop the MTA, use the command: 'mta-control all stop'
(Where <Username> is replaced by the username of the server you sending the file) and
(Where <Server IP> is replaced by the servername or IP of the server you sending the file)
(NOTE: You can also export to an SCP server by using SCP://)
You will be prompted for the server password.
A successful backup will look like the following:
Creating archive file.
Created archive of queue
Attempting to send to ftp://[email protected]/path/queuebackup.txt
Successfully exported queue.
Then you will return to the prompt.
You will see queuebackup.txt in the directory of the FTP server.
(Where <Username> is replaced by the username of the server you sending the file) and
(Where <Server IP> is replaced by the servername or IP of the server you sending the file)
(NOTE: You can also import from an SCP server by using SCP://)
You will be prompted for the server password.
A successful import will look like the following:
Retrieved archive file from ftp://[email protected]/path/queuebackup.txt. Unpacking.
Beginning queue import.
Successfully imported the message archive.
Then you will return to a prompt.