Check IP reputation when connections from a specific domain are deferred
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Check IP reputation when connections from a specific domain are deferred


Article ID: 177268


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


You need to check if an IP address is blacklisted in the Local Reputation List in Symantec Messaging Gateway (SMG).

Connections from a specific domain are being deferred.


  1. In the Control Center go to (Reputation -> IP Reputation Lookup) and enter the IP address. Check the Local and Global Reputation for that IP address.
    1. You have the options to request removal from the global blacklist or add or remove it from local good or bad senders lists.
    2. You can also check global IP reputation online by submitting an IP Address Investigation Request.
  2. Under Local Connection History you can check to see if connections have been deferred by Connection Classification by selecting the time range.