The Transfer ID (TID)/Request# is a ascending number assigned by the XCOM Server to every incoming and every scheduled outgoing transfer. How can you reset this number to 0 or another number if this is necessary for any reason?
For XCOM on Windows and UNIX (Changes are done at your own risk):
- Stop the xcomd process
- Delete file xcom.tid (it holds the last assigned number) under the /XCOM_HOME/Config directory
- Restart xcomd
- From now on the transfers will be assigned numbers from 000001 on.
For XCOM on z/OS the Request# is stored in the XCOMRRDS file and therefore the process of resetting it is a bit different (have in mind that these changes are done at your own risk):
- Stop the XCOM Server
- Edit the DEFRRDS Job, which defines the XCOMRRDS file and is located in the CBXGJCL library. This job creates the XCOMRRDS file.
- Find string
- Replace the '1000' with '0002' ('0001' and '0000' both rest the counter to 1000, not to 0000).
Note: Take care that you do not exceed the number of digits - it need to be four!
More on this Job and on XCOMRRDS file can be found in the Installation Guide for XCOM for z/OS 11.6 on page 176.
- If you want to save the data in XCOMRRDS then repro the file.
- Now submit that job.
- Restart the XCOM Server.
- From now on the transfers will be assigned numbers from 000003 on.