This page describes how to move the location of the quarantine directory for SMSMSE.
The Quarantine folder on the file system is not large enough and may become full.
Moving the location of the Quarantine directory has two parts:
To create the Quarantine folder
To edit the registry to change the quarantine location
WARNING: In the next steps you will edit the Windows registry. We strongly recommend that you back up the registry before you make any changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify only the registry keys that are specified. See How to back up the Windows registry for instructions.
To edit the registry
Note: This does not change the Release directory that is used by Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange to release quarantined files to the file system. If you want to release files, then create a Release folder in the location desired. Navigate to the key in Step 2 and modify QuarantineReleaseDirectoryStr, inserting the new location of the Release folder.
Stop and then restart the Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange service.
Applies To
SMSMSE 6.0.9 and later. This does not apply to 6.0.0 through 6.0.8 due to a defect. See the following article: Changing the location of the Quarantine directory for Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE) Versions 6.0.0 Through 6.0.8.