The table ItemVersionData is growing very fast and is taking up a lot of disk space.
There are actually a number of possible causes for this problem. One way to determine what issue you may be seeing is to run the attached SQL script "spSVCGetTasksByType.sql".
"Detailed File Inventory"
This is the first documented cause of the problem, created when Workflow and Inventory were installed together. An old "Detailed File Inventory" task along with the Workflow "TaskServer DB Fix Schedule" caused the issue. This was corrected in SP1 for Inventory Solution.
"Download, Execute, Applicability, and Detection Check statuses"
This issue, documented in TECH168522, from Software Management solution, occurs when these checks update the table erroneously, and is exasperated when the check runs over and over rapidly. Most of these related issues were corrected in 7.1 MP1 but there is still one left for SP2.
This issue, documented in TECH143154, from Software Management solution, occurs when a restricted user saves a policy with no command line and then later adds one, causing an erroneous loop in code execution. It is resolved in 7.0 MR4.
If you are experiencing this issue, then you may want to contact Symantec Technical Support for assistance.
To help confirm whether you are experiencing this issue, run the attached SQL query ItemVersions-count-by-item, which can also give you a better sense of the nature of the symptoms.
To purge the excessive ItemVersions, first backup your Altiris database; and then run the attached SQL query: ItemVersions-purge-excessive-versions. This will identify several items with an excess of versions and will purge several of the excess versions.
NOTE: ItemVersions and ItemVersionData should not be truncated. Doing so will severely damage the SMP installation.
Applies To
SMP 7.0 SP2, SP3, SP4, & SMP 7.1 SP1+ with Inventory Solution, Software Delivery, and Workflow Solution.