Client are unable to download packages from the Notification Server. Restricted extension files in the package.
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Client are unable to download packages from the Notification Server. Restricted extension files in the package.


Article ID: 177010


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


Client are unable to download packages from the Notification Server. The packagedownload stops around 85% or 98% in some cases.


Looking on the Agent logs, we found the following messages:

Priority: 4
Date: 8/17/2009 12:39:52 PM
Tick Count: 9185781
Host Name: ServerName
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (1776)
Thread ID: 2128
Module: AeXNetComms.dll
Source: HttpTransfer
Description: HTTP request redirected from HTTP:// to HTTP://


The download seems to be erring out when downloading this file.


In this case, there were some file extensions that were not downloaded, causing the whole download to stop at a certain percentage. We noticed that the download is having a hard time downloading were .resX, .vb, and .vbproj extension files.
Searching online, .resX, .vb, and .vbproj extension files are somehow blocked/restricted by IIS.


IIS logs showed the following entries:

2009-08-18 00:12:44 W3SVC1 ##.###.##.### HEAD /Altiris/NS/NSCap/Bin/Win32/X86/HPCMS/Agent/L10N/ - 80 - ##.###.##.### - 401 5 0

2009-08-18 00:14:44 W3SVC1 ##.###.##.### HEAD /Altiris/NS/error.aspx 80 - ##.###.##.### - 401 2 2148074254

***Messages from other files that were not downloaded:
2009-08-18 00:02:05 W3SVC1 ##.###.##.### HEAD /Altiris/NS/error.aspx aspxerrorpath=%2FAltiris%2FNS%2FNSCap%2FBin%2FWin32%2FX86%2FPackages%2FUIP66SP1%2Fsybase%2Fcase11510031%2FODBC%2Fsamples%2Fkerberos%2FadoKerberos.vbproj 80 <servername>\Altiris ##.###.##.### - 200 0 0

2009-08-18 00:02:05 W3SVC1 ##.###.##.### HEAD /Altiris/NS/error.aspx aspxerrorpath=%2FAltiris%2FNS%2FNSCap%2FBin%2FWin32%2FX86%2FPackages%2FUIP66SP1%2Fsybase%2Fcase11510031%2FODBC%2Fsamples%2Fkerberos%2FAssemblyInfo.vb 80 - ##.###.##.### - 401 2 2148074254

2009-08-18 00:04:06 W3SVC1 ##.###.##.### HEAD /Altiris/NS/error.aspx aspxerrorpath=%2FAltiris%2FNS%2FNSCap%2FBin%2FWin32%2FX86%2FPackages%2FUIP66SP1%2Fsybase%2Fcase11510031%2FODBC%2Fsamples%2Fkerberos%2Fkerberos.resX 80 - ##.###.##.### - 401 2 2148074254


In this particular case customer excluded those file extensions from his package. In this way, he was able to finish downloading. If you need those files in the package, search the Microsoft website for possible ways to allow in IIS those file extensions in (some suggest adding those extensions to the MIME types).