How To Change A Top Secret User's Password So It Is Expired At First Logon With Broadcom LDAP
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How To Change A Top Secret User's Password So It Is Expired At First Logon With Broadcom LDAP


Article ID: 17701


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Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


How can Broadcom's LDAP server be used to change a Top Secret user's password so it is expired at first logon and to force the user to replace it with a new one?


Component: TSSLDP


With Broadcom's LDAP server you can change a Top Secret user's password and have it expired like with the native TSS commands below:

TSS REP(#acid) PASSWORD(#password,,EXP) or

TSS REP(#acid) PASSWORD(#password,15,EXP) also to replace the password interval.

Use the ldapmodify command with option -f to point to an ldif file defined as follows:

LDIF File:

 *** Top Of Data ***       
 dn: tssacid=myacid,tssadmingrp=acids,host=yourHost,o=ca,c=us 
 changetype: modify
 replace: userPassword
 userPassword: xxxxxxxx
 replace: ExpireNow
 ExpireNow: Y
 *** End Of Data ***


If you want to change the password interval, include the following in that ldif file:

 replace: userPassword-Interval
 userPassword-Interval: 15


Below is an example of the ldapmodify command syntax:

./ldapmodify -x -D cn=ADMIN -w ADMINPASS -v -H ldaps:// -ZZ -f ldiffile