Task status: "Waiting for the agent to get the task" even though the task is running or has run on the agent.
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Task status: "Waiting for the agent to get the task" even though the task is running or has run on the agent.


Article ID: 176988


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


After assigning a task to a computer, you may see it running on the computer, but on the server, the task status shows "Waiting for the agent to get the task."  In some cases, the task may even have completed.


There are a number of possible causes for this behavior, depending on your circumstances.

1) The task may not be instructed to update the Site Server until it has completed it's work.  Some tasks simply don't send an update back up the chain (for whatever reason) until they finish.  This is the choice of the development team for the task itself.  Some classic examples of this are some of the longer running tasks like "Prepare for image capture" in DS, which wont send an update until the system is back up in Automation.

2) The task may try to update but may have lost communication too quickly.  A great example of this would be a reboot task that executes, and after the network stack comes down, tries to send an update, or where the agent drops before the update can be sent.  The result of this can be that the task would fire again after a reboot, but in the console, it's still waiting.

3) CTDataloader may not be running or working.  All task statuses are sent up to Object Host, and then through CTDataloader to the Object Host on the NS and up to the DB.  If CTDataloader isn't working, no statuses get back to the NS.


Depends on the reason.

1) Feature Request to the product owner of the task.

2) Feature / Bug report to the product owner.  In one such case, a delay had to be built into the task to allow an update to go through.

3) Restart CTD on the Site Server and on the NS.  If that doesn't work, more troubleshooting and/or research may be needed.  Call support.

Applies To

NS/SMP 7.0 all service packs.

SMP 7.1 SP1