This is part of the MTFTP protocol, and is a standard error as found in the RFC per the following table:
0 Not defined, see error message (if any). 1 File not found. 2 Access violation. 3 Disk full or allocation exceeded. 4 Illegal TFTP operation. 5 Unknown transfer ID. 6 File already exists. 7 No such user.
There is supposed to be an "appendix" somewhere that discusses this error, but we were not able to find it.
What we did find, however, from our own MTFTP logging was an error finding the BSTRAP.0 file. Looking at the images folder, we discovered that folder missing, though it was in the master images folder, which would explain the error in the MTFTP logs.
As a temporary workaround, we manually copied the bstrap folder from master images to the images folder, and imaging worked fine. For a "fix" though, we need to find out why those folders are not kept up-to-date automatically.
Applies To
DS 6.x all versions.