When going to Resource Management\Resources\Organizational Types\Department\Group Management\ and selecting Department Summary, the following error is displayed:
An exception has occurred while generating Department's assigned users rollup costs. Input string was not in a correct format.
The following error is in a.log:
Log File Name: C:\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\Logs\a.log
Priority: 1
Date: 04/10/2008 14:42:54
Tick Count: 625973531
Host Name: Localhost
Process: w3wp.exe (2136)
Thread ID: 9552
Module: AltirisNativeHelper.dll
Source: Altiris.AssetContractCommon.Summary.DepartmentAssignedUsersSummaryCtrl.getUserCountAssetCost
Description: An exception has occurred while generating Department's assigned users rollup costs. Input string was not in a correct format.
ITMS 8.x
Asset Management Solution 8.x
The summary (where the problem is generated) is invoking stored procedure 'spDepartmentAssetRolledUpCosts'. One of the columns the stored procedure returns is "assetDirectCost" which joins the tables #tmp, vAssetDepartmentOwner, Inv_Cost_Items
The table 'Inv_Cost_Items' is missing data that computer's or users associated with the department do not contain an amount and therefore it returns a NULL value. The NULL value is what seems to be generating the error. It is expecting a legitimate numerical value.
The routine within spDepartmentAssetRolledUpCosts that calculates this value is found in lines 112-122 (as follows):
-- update assetDirectCost
if(@checkCost = 1 )
update #tmp set assetDirectCost = t.cost from
(select sum(CI.Amount*vAD.[Ownership Percentage]/100)as cost, #tmp.Guid as Guid
from vAssetDepartmentOwner vAD
join #tmp on #tmp.Guid = vAD._DepartmentGuid
join Inv_Cost_Items CI on CI._ResourceGuid = vAD._AssetGuid
group by #tmp.Guid) as t
where t.Guid = #tmp.Guid
The problem/error is usually a temporary problem because the required inventory items to calculate and return a valid number should eventually be submitted by the associated computers.
The problem can be eliminated regardless of available inventory if the code in the stored procedure is modified as follows to check for a NULL value, and if it is returned, to return 0. Otherwise it will return the calculated sum.
-- update assetDirectCost
if(@checkCost = 1 )
update #tmp set assetDirectCost = t.cost from
CASE when sum(CI.Amount*vAD.[Ownership Percentage]/100) IS NULL
ELSE sum(CI.Amount*vAD.[Ownership Percentage]/100)
end as cost
,#tmp.Guid as Guid
from vAssetDepartmentOwner vAD
join #tmp on #tmp.Guid = vAD._DepartmentGuid
join Inv_Cost_Items CI on CI._ResourceGuid = vAD._AssetGuid
group by #tmp.Guid) as t
where t.Guid = #tmp.Guid
Attached to the KB is an altered stored procedure that can be run against the Altiris database using the query analyzer.