Axinstall.exe Error codes
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Axinstall.exe Error codes


Article ID: 176805


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


What are the possible error codes that can be encountered when scripting an installation of Ghost Solution Suite 3.x using axinstall.exe?


Code Message
-114 Corrupt or old default.cfg file encountered. One or more required entries are missing.  The update will be aborted.
-112 InstallType missing or invalid
-111 Unable to read cfg file
-110 The user decided not to do a simple install over a previous custom install
-109 No active NICs on computer
-108 User didn't specify which NIC to use
-107 The user didn't accept the license
-105 The Deployment Server install requires Administrator rights to run.
-103 You cannot install the Deployment Server on Windows* 95, 98, ME, or NT. Run the install on a Windows 2000, XP or  2003 computer.
-102 Socket initialization failed.
-101 Invalid command line parameter specified.
-100 The installation has been cancelled
101 Non local path provided for Simple install.
102 You are doing a Simple install which requires a supported MSDE or SQL server on the local computer.
103 The share does not exist. Please enter a valid path.
104 Unable to create Datastore directory
105 The license file you specified is not a valid Deployment Server license. Please select a valid license for this product, or use the 7 day evaluation license provided.
106 Invalid service user specified
107 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
108 The folder specified is not a valid Deployment Share.
109 No component was selected to be added.
110 There is no remote computer specified.
111 The computer specified cannot be contacted or does not support remote installation.  Please choose another Windows 2000/XP computer or install the component locally.
112 We are unable to determine the IP Address of the Deployment Server computer. Please specify the Deployment Server IP address.
113 There was no remote install path specified.
114 The path specified for the remote install does not appear to be valid.
115 Invalid service user specified
116 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
117 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
118 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
119 You are doing a Simple install which requires Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or better on the local computer.
122 There is no SQL server specified.
130 There is no remote computer specified.
131 The computer specified cannot be contacted or does not support remote installation. Please choose another Windows 2000/XP computer or install the component locally.
132 There was no remote install path specified.
133 The path specified for the remote install does not appear to be valid.
134 You need to supply a valid IP address of the Deployment Server for the PXE services to function correctly.
135 You need to supply a valid IP address for the PXE Server.
136 There is no remote computer specified.
137 The computer specified cannot be contacted or does not support remote installation.  Please choose another Windows 2000/XP computer or install the component locally.
138 You must specify a user name.
139 The network resource specified is currently using a different user name and password. To connect using different credentials, disconnect any network mappings to this resource.
140 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
141 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
142 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
143 You must specify a user name.
144 Unable to login to the SQL Server
145 Please insert the Deployment Server Installation Disk into the original drive location.
147 Unable to create eXpress share
148 Could not open the database! Please make sure the user name and password are correct if they were provided.
If not, make sure that the default user name, ""sa"" with no password, has access to the SQL Server.
149 Error reading SQL database name from default.cfg
150 We have detected that the Deployment Console is running. Please close the application.
151 We have detected that the Altiris Boot Disk Creator is running. Please close the application.
152 We have detected that the Altiris Deployment Server Configuration Control Panel applet is open. Please close the applet.
153 We have detected that the Deployment Console is running on one or more remote computers. Please close the application(s).
154 There is no remote computer specified.
155 The computer specified cannot be contacted or does not support remote installation.  Please choose another Windows 2000/XP computer or install the component locally.
156 There was no remote install path specified.
157 The path specified for the remote install does not appear to be valid.
158 Invalid service user specified
159 You must specify a port.
160 Error authenticating user. Please check your user name and password before continuing. You may already be connected to the computer with another user name and password.
161 You must specify a port.
163 The .NET Framework is missing on the remote computer and is required in order to install the Deployment Web Console.
165 The .NET Framework is missing on the local computer and is required in order to install the Deployment Web Console.
166 The .NET Framework is missing on the remote computer and is required in order to install the Data Manager.
167 The .NET Framework is missing on the local computer and is required in order to install the Data Manager.
169 You do not have 'write' access to the specified Deployment Share folder.
170 Database already exists and is not a valid DS database.
171 Error reading DS database name from default.cfg.
172 We have detected that the path or share no longer exists. Please restore the path or share.
180 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
181 The specified file location is invalid or does not exist.
182 There is no path specified.
183 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
184 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
185 The specified file location is invalid or does not exist.
186 There is no path specified.
187 There is no path specified.
188 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
189 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
190 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
191 Error creating pre-boot operating system files. This most likely is caused by the DOS Support files not being present at the source location or installing correctly.
192 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
193 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
194 Error creating PXE default images.  You will need to create them manually using PXE Configuration.
196 The Web Console requires MDAC version 2.71 or later. Please upgrade MDAC before continuing or install the Web Console at a later time.
197 The Web Console requires MDAC version 2.71 or later. Please upgrade MDAC before continuing or install the Web Console at a later time.
198 The Web Console requires MDAC version 2.71 or later. Please upgrade MDAC before continuing or install the Web Console at a later time.
199 Version mismatch error.  You cannot add components from version X to installed version X.  You must upgrade first.
200 The drive letter or UNC that you entered is invalid.
201 Unable to open the configuration ini file for the silent install.
202 Unable to open the configuration ini file for the silent install.
208 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
209 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
209 Required entry missing from silent.ini - this is not a typo - there are actually two different meanings for 209.
210 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
215 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
216 The specified file location is invalid or does not exist.
217 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
218 The specified file location is invalid or does not exist.
219 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
220 The specified file location is invalid or does not exist.
221 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
222 The specified file location is invalid or does not exist.
223 There is no path specified.
225 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
226 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
227 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
228 The specified file location is invalid or does not exist.
229 There is no path specified.
231 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
232 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
233 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
234 There is no file location specified. Please specify a valid file location before proceeding.
235 There is no path specified.
237 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
238 The specified path is invalid or does not exist.
239 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
240 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
241 Error creating/updating PreBootOs.ini
242 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.
243 Error creating pre-boot operating system files.